1Academic Collaborative Center Care for Older Adults, Tranzo, Scientific Center for Care and Wellbeing, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands
2Groenhuysen, Roosendaal, The Netherlands
3School for Allied Health Professions, Fontys University of Applied Science, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Corresponding Author:
Daniëlle van Gaans-Riteco, MSc
Academic Collaborative Center Care for Older Adults
Tranzo, Scientific Center for Care and Wellbeing
Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University
Professor Cobbenhagenlaan 125
Tilburg, 5037DB
The Netherlands
Phone: 31 134662969
Background: Due to the progressive nature of dementia, concerns about the safety of nursing home residents are frequently raised. Surveillance technology, enabling visual and auditory monitoring, is often seen as a solution for ensuring safe and efficient care. However, tailoring surveillance technology to individual needs is challenging due to the complex and dynamic care environment involving multiple formal and informal stakeholders, each with unique perspectives.
Objective: This study aims to explore the scientific literature on the perspectives and values of stakeholders involved in applying surveillance technology for people with dementia in nursing homes.
Methods: We conducted a scoping review and systematically searched 5 scientific databases. We identified 31 articles published between 2005 and 2024. Stakeholder characteristics were extracted and synthesized according to the theory of basic human values by Schwartz.
Results: In total, 12 stakeholder groups were identified, with nursing staff, residents, and informal caregivers being the most frequently mentioned. Among stakeholder groups close to residents, values related to benevolence, security, conformity, and tradition were most commonly addressed. Furthermore, values such as self-direction, power, and achievement seemed important to most stakeholder groups.
Conclusions: Several stakeholder groups emphasized the importance of being and feeling involved in the application of surveillance technologies. In addition, they acknowledged the necessity of paying attention to stakeholders’ perspectives and values. Across these stakeholder groups, values related to benevolence, security, and self-direction were represented, although various stakeholders assigned different meanings to these values. Awareness of stakeholders’ perspectives demands a willingness to acknowledge each other’s values and bridge differences.
Globally, people are living longer. Every country in the world expects growth in the number and proportion of older persons [Ageing and health. World Health Organization. Oct 1, 2024. URL: [accessed 2024-12-12] 1]. As the population ages, diseases such as dementia are diagnosed more often because age is their strongest known risk factor [Dementia in Europe Yearbook 2019: estimating the prevalence of dementia in Europe. Alzheimer Europe. 2019. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 2,Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017 - 2025. World Health Organization. Dec 07, 2017. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 3]. Dementia is a major cause of disability and dependency, affecting cognitive abilities and behavior, leading to an inability to signal when help is needed, which is associated with safety concerns [Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017 - 2025. World Health Organization. Dec 07, 2017. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 3,Huijsman R, Boomstra R, Veerbeek M, Dopp C. Zorgstandaard dementie. Dementiezorg voor Elkaar. 2020. URL: [accessed 2021-09-21] 4]. Compared with 2015, the number of people affected with dementia will triple by 2050 [Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017 - 2025. World Health Organization. Dec 07, 2017. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 3].
In several countries worldwide, the number of care professionals is insufficient to meet the growing care demands [Strengthening the dementia care workforce: a public health priority. American Public Health Association. Oct 24, 2020. URL: [accessed 2023-12-18] 5]. In addition, global shortages of skilled care professionals will increase due to the aging workforce [Global strategy on human resources for health: workforce 2030. World Health Organization. Jul 07, 2020. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 6,Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7]. To meet the increasing care demands, documents from the Netherlands government show that by 2024, 1 in 4 employees should work in the health care sector, a figure that should rise to 1 in 3 by 2060 [Zorg voor de toekomst: over de toekomstbestendigheid van de zorg. Sociaal-Economische Raad. Jun 2020. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 8,Bijleveld C, Boot A, Bovens M, Engbersen G, Hulscher S. Kiezen voor houdbare zorg. Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. 2021. URL: [accessed 2022-05-01] 9]. One of the proposed solutions to this challenge is allowing people with dementia to live at home as long as possible. However, due to their increasing care demands, a need for long-term care (LTC) facilities providing high-quality intensive dementia care will continue. Studies in different countries worldwide indicate that approximately 30% to 40% of people with dementia will eventually need a care environment in nursing homes [Dementia statistics hub. Alzheimer’s Research UK. URL: [accessed 2023-04-05] 10-Factsheet dementie. Vektis. Jan 24, 2022. URL: [accessed 2022-01-27] 12]. The Netherlands is known for its high percentage of residents receiving end-of-life care in nursing homes, which makes nursing homes the most frequent place of death [Bauer AK, Fassmer AM, Zuidema SU, Janus SI, Hoffmann F. End-of-life care in German and Dutch nursing homes: a cross-sectional study on nursing home staff's perspective in 2022. Arch Public Health. Jun 14, 2024;82(1):85. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]13]. Consequently, there has been a large increase in health care expenditures for the population with dementia, especially in LTC facilities [Factsheet dementie. Vektis. Jan 24, 2022. URL: [accessed 2022-01-27] 12].
One recommendation to address these societal challenges in home care and nursing homes is to foster investment in health technologies that contribute to sustainable and high-quality care for people with dementia, such as assistive and innovative care technologies [Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017 - 2025. World Health Organization. Dec 07, 2017. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 3,Nap HH, van der Weegen S, Cornelisse L, Lukkien D, van der Leeuw J. Zorgdomotica in de nachtzorg: onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van de nieuwe generatie zorgdomotica. Vilans. 2015. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 14,Stroomversnelling voor krappe arbeidsmarkt in verpleeghuiszorg – uitgebreide rapportage. Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. Dec 2020. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 15]. Care technologies can delay or replace admission in a nursing home and reduce the workload of nursing staff and informal caregivers in community care and nursing homes [van der Roest H, van der Kuil M, Overbeek A, Hartstra E. 414 - Supporting staff delivering person-centered care to people with dementia in Dutch nursing homes. Int Psychogeriatr. Oct 2021;33(Supplement 1):37-38. [CrossRef]16,Mohammadnejad F, Freeman S, Klassen-Ross T, Hemingway D, Banner D. Impacts of technology use on the workload of registered nurses: a scoping review. J Rehabil Assist Technol Eng. Jun 17, 2023;10:20556683231180189. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]17]. There are different types of care technologies. One is surveillance technology, which allows visual and auditory monitoring and registration of events, including residents’ activities. Surveillance technologies include tagging and tracking technology, sensors, and audio and video surveillance [Niemeijer AR, Depla MF, Frederiks BJ, Hertogh CM. The experiences of people with dementia and intellectual disabilities with surveillance technologies in residential care. Nurs Ethics. May 2015;22(3):307-320. [CrossRef] [Medline]18,Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. Surveillance technologies are increasingly focused on supporting autonomy and respecting privacy while enhancing safety and individualized care for people with dementia [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20-Niemeijer A, Depla M, Frederiks B, Hertogh C. Toezichthoudende domotica: een handreiking voor zorginstellingen. VUmc. 2012. URL: [accessed 2022-04-12] 23].
Surveillance technologies are often regarded as a solution for ensuring safe and efficient health care, including in nursing homes [Nap HH, van der Weegen S, Cornelisse L, Lukkien D, van der Leeuw J. Zorgdomotica in de nachtzorg: onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van de nieuwe generatie zorgdomotica. Vilans. 2015. URL: [accessed 2023-05-04] 14,Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20]. These technologies have the potential to provide high-quality care and relieve nursing staff as staff shortages increase [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7]. Due to the potential benefits of using surveillance technologies for quality of life and care, general attitudes toward these technologies have become more positive [van der Roest H, van der Kuil M, Overbeek A, Hartstra E. 414 - Supporting staff delivering person-centered care to people with dementia in Dutch nursing homes. Int Psychogeriatr. Oct 2021;33(Supplement 1):37-38. [CrossRef]16]. Nonetheless, surveillance technologies can affect privacy, autonomy, and freedom of movement [van der Roest H, van der Kuil M, Overbeek A, Hartstra E. 414 - Supporting staff delivering person-centered care to people with dementia in Dutch nursing homes. Int Psychogeriatr. Oct 2021;33(Supplement 1):37-38. [CrossRef]16,Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20,Zwijsen SA, Depla MF, Niemeijer AR, Francke AL, Hertogh CM. Surveillance technology: an alternative to physical restraints? A qualitative study among professionals working in nursing homes for people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. Feb 2012;49(2):212-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]21]. Therefore, the use of these technologies should comply with regulations governing privacy and involuntary care, including requirements for subsidiarity, proportionality, and expediency. In addition, the use of surveillance technologies has to be justified in the care plan [Wet zorg en dwang. Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. 2019. URL: [accessed 2021-05-28] 24-Recommendations on how to improve the legal rights and protection of adults with incapacity due to dementia. Alzheimer Europe. 2017. URL: [accessed 2023-04-05] 26].
The application of surveillance technologies for people with dementia living in nursing homes is complex in practice. Successfully implementing care technologies, including surveillance technologies in psychogeriatric nursing homes, appears to be challenging as it involves more than just implementing a technological application successfully used elsewhere [Greenhalgh T. How to improve success of technology projects in health and social care. Public Health Res Pract. Sep 27, 2018;28(3):2831815. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]27]. One of the greatest challenges in implementing care technologies such as surveillance technology seems to be integrating technology into the care process. Surveillance technologies affect residents and other primary stakeholders, such as residents’ representatives and formal caregivers [van der Roest H, van der Kuil M, Overbeek A, Hartstra E. 414 - Supporting staff delivering person-centered care to people with dementia in Dutch nursing homes. Int Psychogeriatr. Oct 2021;33(Supplement 1):37-38. [CrossRef]16,Wernaart B. Wernaart B, editor. Moral Design and Technology. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers; 2022. 28]. The involvement of these primary stakeholders, also known as end users, and secondary stakeholders such as managers, information and communication technology (ICT) employees, developers, and vendors of surveillance technologies is necessary to increase stakeholder commitment [Wernaart B. Wernaart B, editor. Moral Design and Technology. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers; 2022. 28].
Early involvement of relevant stakeholders increases the likelihood of successful implementation [Wouters EJ. Technologie: een zorg minder? Tilburg University. 2018. URL: [accessed 2021-12-10] 29]. A prerequisite for their involvement is knowing and acknowledging stakeholders’ cultures, perspectives, and interests [Wouters EJ. Technologie: een zorg minder? Tilburg University. 2018. URL: [accessed 2021-12-10] 29]. Given the broad spectrum of stakeholders involved in applying surveillance technologies for people with dementia in nursing homes, there is a great diversity of backgrounds, resulting in differences in values and interests [Greenhalgh T. How to improve success of technology projects in health and social care. Public Health Res Pract. Sep 27, 2018;28(3):2831815. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]27,Verkerk MJ, Holtkamp FC, Wouters EJ, van Hoof J. Professional practices and user practices: an explorative study in health care. Philos Reformata. Dec 2017;82(2):167-191. [CrossRef]30]. Values represent what is (most) important to people and direct their attitudes, behaviors, and actions [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Holtkamp FC, Wouters EJ, Verkerk MJ. Understanding user practices when drawing up requirements-the case of designing assistive devices for mobility. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Jan 24, 2019;16(3):318. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]32]. Differences in stakeholder values and interests can complicate the creation of support among stakeholders [Verkerk MJ, Holtkamp FC, Wouters EJ, van Hoof J. Professional practices and user practices: an explorative study in health care. Philos Reformata. Dec 2017;82(2):167-191. [CrossRef]30]. In addition, dealing with different perceptions and values among a range of stakeholders is a major challenge, further exacerbated by a limited understanding of stakeholders’ values [Keller EJ, Crowley-Matoka M, Collins JD, Chrisman HB, Milad MP, Vogelzang RL. Fostering better policy adoption and inter-disciplinary communication in healthcare: a qualitative analysis of practicing physicians' common interests. PLoS One. Feb 24, 2017;12(2):e0172865. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33]. Therefore, a knowledge of these values can help explain decision-making processes, attitudes, and behaviors of persons or groups in different contexts [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Kleyweg J. Moraliteitontwikkeling en de 10 waardentheorie van Schwartz: exploratief onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van moreel oordelen in de maatschappij anno 2006 en de relatie tot de waardentheorie van Schwartz. Universiteit Twente. Aug 31, 2006. URL: [accessed 2023-08-12] 34,Fujihara R, Montezano L, Alfinito S. Are we ready for new technologies? The relation between human values and technology readiness applied to m-commerce in Brazil. Organ Soc. Jul 2022;29(102):537-568. [CrossRef]35].
This situation necessitates exploring the stakeholder groups that are involved in implementing surveillance technologies, and their respective values. Nursing staff and informal caregivers’ attitudes toward using surveillance technologies [Niemeijer AR, Depla MF, Frederiks BJ, Hertogh CM. The experiences of people with dementia and intellectual disabilities with surveillance technologies in residential care. Nurs Ethics. May 2015;22(3):307-320. [CrossRef] [Medline]18,Wangmo T, Lipps M, Kressig RW, Ienca M. Ethical concerns with the use of intelligent assistive technology: findings from a qualitative study with professional stakeholders. BMC Med Ethics. Dec 19, 2019;20(1):98. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36] and their ethical dilemmas when using surveillance technology in psychogeriatric nursing homes have been explored [Niemeijer A, Depla M, Frederiks B, Hertogh C. Toezichthoudende domotica: een handreiking voor zorginstellingen. VUmc. 2012. URL: [accessed 2022-04-12] 23,Wangmo T, Lipps M, Kressig RW, Ienca M. Ethical concerns with the use of intelligent assistive technology: findings from a qualitative study with professional stakeholders. BMC Med Ethics. Dec 19, 2019;20(1):98. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36-Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. For example, Rostad and Stokke [Rostad HM, Stokke R. Integrating welfare technology in long-term care services: nationwide cross-sectional survey study. J Med Internet Res. Aug 16, 2021;23(8):e22316. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39] noted the high complexity of the LTC setting, involving “wicked problems,” such as many and changing stakeholders, competing interests, and disagreements regarding the nature of problems. However, it remains unclear what these competing interests consist of. In addition, little is known about the variation in the perspectives and values of the stakeholders.
This Study
To the best of our knowledge, no literature review has been conducted to explore the stakeholders involved, their perspectives, and values in the application of surveillance technologies for people with dementia living in nursing homes. Therefore, this scoping review aimed to explore which stakeholders are described in the scientific literature concerning surveillance technologies for people with dementia in nursing homes. In addition, we seek to identify what is known about these stakeholders’ values.
We conducted a scoping review to systematically explore, map, and synthesize the characteristics of stakeholders involved in applying surveillance technology for people with dementia in nursing homes and identify existing knowledge gaps. The PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist was used as a guideline for this review [Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, O'Brien KK, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): checklist and explanation. Ann Intern Med. Oct 02, 2018;169(7):467-473. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]40] ( PRISMA-ScR checklist.Multimedia Appendix 1
Identifying the Research Questions
The research questions formulated were as follows: (1) Which stakeholders are involved in applying surveillance technology for people with dementia residing in psychogeriatric wards in nursing homes? and (2) What is known about the values of these stakeholders?
Identifying Relevant Literature
We believed that articles of interest had been published in psychological, health care, medical, nursing, and technological journals. Therefore, we conducted a literature search using the following databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ACM Digital Library, and IEEE Xplore. Search terms encompassed the LTC setting and the use of surveillance technology for people with dementia. A search string for each database was developed and programmed with the help of an information specialist ( Overview of the search string for the 5 databases.Multimedia Appendix 2
Studies were eligible for inclusion if surveillance technology was applied to people with dementia in nursing homes or a comparable 24×7 LTC setting. The use of surveillance technology was evaluated or monitored using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods designs. Furthermore, studies had to be peer reviewed, written in English or Dutch, and published between 2002 and 2023. The year 2002 was chosen because it was then that literature on the implementation of surveillance technologies became increasingly prevalent. In addition, studies had to mention the stakeholders who were involved in the process of applying surveillance technology. Studies mostly focusing on assistive technologies, such as automatic lights, or supportive technologies, for example, medication dispensers, health care apps for managing chronic diseases, etc were excluded. Studies conducted in an experimental or laboratory setting and nonoriginal research, such as scoping reviews and systematic reviews, were excluded.
Literature Selection
First, duplicate studies were removed. Title screening was performed by one of the authors (DvG-R), and in case of doubt, one of the other authors (AS) was consulted. Two authors (DvG-R and AS) independently screened abstracts using the literature review management tool Rayyan (Rayyan Systems Inc) [Ouzzani M, Hammady H, Fedorowicz Z, Elmagarmid A. Rayyan-a web and mobile app for systematic reviews. Syst Rev. Dec 05, 2016;5(1):210. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42]. The full text of articles considered eligible by both authors was reviewed for relevance. In all the selection steps, the results were compared and discussed until a consensus was reached. In case of doubt, the third author (EW) was consulted.
Charting the Data
A format for further data extraction was agreed upon and included the title, authors, year, country, aim, study design, method of data collection, study population, sample size, setting, technology type, an overview of the results per identified stakeholder, and limitations for this scoping review. Using this format, 2 authors (DvG-R and AS) independently reviewed 10 (32%) of the 31 included articles. When the reviews were compared, only minor differences were found. The remaining articles were reviewed by DvG-R, who consulted one of the two other authors (AS or EW) when appropriate. When no consensus about data extraction was reached, the other author (EW or AS) was consulted.
Collating, Summarizing, and Reporting the Results
We categorized the findings from each article per stakeholder group in data extraction forms. Subsequently, an overview of results per stakeholder group was compiled. Through an inductive process, we categorized our findings into frequently mentioned words, such as acceptance; privacy; safety; freedom of movement; person-centered care; quality of life; quality-of-care characteristics; technology characteristics; and resident characteristics, involvement, concerns, and their values. The findings were linked to human values to deepen an understanding of stakeholders’ perspectives. Describing and defining values is considered complex, and analyzing them is an even greater challenge [Arets D, Ilievski D, Wernaart BF, Kamp JA, van Vliet M, Emini S. The right to Öffentlichkeit.
In: Applied Human Rights. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic; Jul 27, 2023. 43]. Therefore, we used the theory of basic human values by Schwartz et al [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31], an empirically tested framework of values that is recognized across many cultures [Ponizovskiy V, Ardag M, Grigoryan L, Boyd R, Dobewall H, Holtz P. Development and validation of the personal values dictionary: a theory–driven tool for investigating references to basic human values in text. Eur J Pers. Sep 01, 2020;34(5):885-902. [CrossRef]44]. This theory is an important and well-known theory and is widely used to predict attitudes and behaviors in different contexts and situations [Kleyweg J. Moraliteitontwikkeling en de 10 waardentheorie van Schwartz: exploratief onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van moreel oordelen in de maatschappij anno 2006 en de relatie tot de waardentheorie van Schwartz. Universiteit Twente. Aug 31, 2006. URL: [accessed 2023-08-12]
34,Fujihara R, Montezano L, Alfinito S. Are we ready for new technologies? The relation between human values and technology readiness applied to m-commerce in Brazil. Organ Soc. Jul 2022;29(102):537-568. [CrossRef]35]. These values are grounded in the 3 universal requirements of human existence: the needs of individuals as biological organisms, requirements of coordinated social interaction, and survival and welfare needs of groups [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31]. This framework conceptualizes values ordered by importance relative to one another, and they form a system of priorities for groups, societies, and individuals [Schwartz SH. An overview of the Schwartz theory of basic values. Online Read Psychol Cult. Dec 2012;2(1):1-20. [CrossRef]45]. The refined theory of basic human values has 19 values grouped into 4 higher-order categories as follows: openness to change, self-enhancement, conservation, and self-transcendence [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31]. Table 1 presents the motivational goals of the Schwartz values based on the circular motivational continuum [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31].
Higher order value and values | Conceptual definition in terms of motivational goals | ||
Openness to changes | |||
Self-direction-thought | Freedom to cultivate one’s own ideas and abilities | ||
Self-direction-action | Freedom to determine one’s own actions | ||
Stimulation | Excitement, novelty, and change | ||
Self-enhancement | |||
Hedonism | Pleasure and sensuous gratification | ||
Achievement | Success according to social standards | ||
Power-dominance | Power through exercising control over people | ||
Power-resources | Power to control material and social resources | ||
Conservation | |||
Face | Security and power through maintaining one’s public image and avoiding humiliation | ||
Security-personal | Safety in one’s immediate environment | ||
Security-societal | Safety and stability in the wider society | ||
Tradition | Maintaining and preserving cultural, family, or religious traditions | ||
Conformity-rules | Compliance with rules, laws, and formal obligations | ||
Conformity-interpersonal | Avoidance of upsetting or harming other people | ||
Self-transcendence | |||
Humility | Recognizing one’s insignificance in the larger scheme of things | ||
Benevolence-dependability | Being a reliable and trustworthy member of the ingroup | ||
Benevolence-caring | Devotion to the welfare and well-being of ingroup members and being empathic | ||
Universalism-concern | Commitment to equality, justice, and protection for all people | ||
Universalism-nature | Preservation of the natural environment | ||
Universalism-tolerance | Acceptance and understanding of those who are different from oneself |
General Findings
We identified 4116 unique studies. After screening titles, 298 (7.2%) abstracts were screened. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, we selected 91 (30.5%) articles for full-text screening. Eventually, we included 29 (32%) articles in this study. The search was updated in August 2023, and December 2024, resulting in 2 additional articles, bringing the total to 31 articles. The included studies were published between 2005 and 2023. Studies were conducted in 14 countries: The Netherlands (n=7, 23%), Finland (n=2, 6%), Denmark (n=1, 3%), Norway (n=2, 6%), Sweden (n=2, 6%), Spain (n=1, 3%), Germany (n=1, 3%), Switzerland (n=1, 3%), the United Kingdom (n=3, 10%), the United States (n=5, 16%), Canada (n=3, 10%), Mexico (n=1, 3%), Singapore (n=1, 3%), and China (n=1, 3%). A total of 10 (32%) articles had a quantitative research design, 18 (58%) articles had a qualitative design, and 3 (10%) articles had a mixed methods design. Mapping overview of the included articles.Figure 1 shows the flowchart of the selection process. The key characteristics of the included articles are available in
Multimedia Appendix 3
In total, 12 stakeholder groups were identified in the publications. The most frequently identified stakeholder groups were nursing staff (23/31, 74%), residents (20/31, 65%), and informal caregivers (13/31, 42%). The stakeholder groups care managers (9/31, 29%), developers of surveillance technologies (7/31, 23%), physicians (5/31, 16%), LTC administrators (4/31, 13%), maintenance employees (2/31, 6%), ICT (2/31, 6%), vendors of surveillance technologies (1/31, 3%), project managers (1/31, 3%), and academics (1/31, 3%) were mentioned less frequently. A total of 9 (29%) of the 31 articles included 4 or more stakeholder groups in their research. Table 2 shows the stakeholders’ frequency of occurrence in the included articles.

Stakeholder | Frequency (N=31), n (%) | Proxy or partly proxy, n (%)b |
Nursing staff | 23 (74) | 7 (30) |
Residents | 20 (65) | 17 (85) |
Informal caregivers | 13 (42) | 7 (53) |
Managers | 9 (29) | —c |
Developers | 7 (23) | — |
Physicians | 5 (16) | — |
Long-term care administrators | 4 (13) | — |
Maintenance | 2 (6) | — |
ICTd | 2 (6) | — |
Vendors | 1 (3) | — |
Project managers | 1 (3) | — |
Academics | 1 (3) | — |
aProxy perspective refers to the perspective of a stakeholder filled in by another stakeholder.
bPercentages in this column represent the proportion of articles in the corresponding cells in the "Frequency" column.
cNot applicable.
dICT: information and communication technology.
Values of Stakeholders
Nursing Staff
Of all identified stakeholder groups, nursing staff (registered nurses, assistant nurses, and nurse aids) were mentioned in 23 (74%) out of 31 articles. Of these 23 articles, 7 (23%) articles were written from a proxy perspective of care managers (n=4, 17%), LTC administrators (n=2, 8%), and informal caregivers (n=1, 2%).
Several values of Schwartz were represented in the stakeholder group nursing staff. The values benevolence and security were strongly represented. The value benevolence is related to being helpful, supporting, and assisting those in need [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31]. Staff’s desire to be helpful and respond to the needs of residents also partly overlapped with the value security, which is characterized by striving to assure the safety of loved ones, taking precautions to prevent harm, and being warned in case of threats [Schwartz SH. An overview of the Schwartz theory of basic values. Online Read Psychol Cult. Dec 2012;2(1):1-20. [CrossRef]45]. From the nursing staff perspective, surveillance technologies were most often applied to enhance the general safety of residents, mitigate the risk of falling, alert staff promptly, and contribute to efficient care [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Coahran M, Hillier LM, Van Bussel L, Black E, Churchyard R, Gutmanis I, et al. Automated fall detection technology in inpatient geriatric psychiatry: nurses’ perceptions and lessons learned. Can J Aging. Jul 03, 2018;37(3):245-260. [CrossRef]46]. Surveillance technologies can help nursing staff prioritize and direct their attention to where care and support are most needed [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Nijhof N, van Gemert-Pijnen JE, de Jong GE, Ankoné JW, Seydel ER. How assistive technology can support dementia care: a study about the effects of the IST Vivago watch on patients' sleeping behavior and the care delivery process in a nursing home. Technol Disabil. May 01, 2012;24(2):103-115. [CrossRef]47]. Nursing staff expected monitoring technologies to increase the safety of residents [Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20], although they were aware of its limitations [Zwijsen SA, Depla MF, Niemeijer AR, Francke AL, Hertogh CM. Surveillance technology: an alternative to physical restraints? A qualitative study among professionals working in nursing homes for people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. Feb 2012;49(2):212-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]21]. For example, they mentioned that surveillance technologies could not guarantee that residents would never fall [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]. Nursing staff rated residents’ safety higher than they rated the experience of freedom [Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20], possibly due to the fear of being blamed for accidents or injuries to residents [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22].
Because nursing staff felt responsible for their residents, the former expressed hesitation toward entirely relying on new surveillance technologies [Niemeijer AR, Depla M, Frederiks B, Francke AL, Hertogh C. CE: original research: the use of surveillance technology in residential facilities for people with dementia or intellectual disabilities: a study among nurses and support staff. Am J Nurs. Dec 2014;114(12):28-37; quiz 38,48. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]. The values conformity and tradition were reflected in the nursing staff’s conservativeness and preference to maintain their traditional routines. The nursing staff mentioned that altering their care routines was more difficult than expected. They tended to continue doing their rounds and checking on residents as usual despite the use of new technologies [Holmes D, Teresi JA, Ramirez M, Ellis J, Eimicke J, Kong J, et al. An evaluation of a monitoring system intervention: falls, injuries, and affect in nursing homes. Clin Nurs Res. Nov 2007;16(4):317-335. [CrossRef] [Medline]49]. Managers’ proxy perspectives also recognized the difficulties in altering care routines [Niemeijer AR, Depla M, Frederiks B, Francke AL, Hertogh C. CE: original research: the use of surveillance technology in residential facilities for people with dementia or intellectual disabilities: a study among nurses and support staff. Am J Nurs. Dec 2014;114(12):28-37; quiz 38,48. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]. Although nursing staff tended to keep their traditions, they were generally supportive of new technologies that contributed to improvements in daily practice, particularly when the technologies functioned as intended [Coahran M, Hillier LM, Van Bussel L, Black E, Churchyard R, Gutmanis I, et al. Automated fall detection technology in inpatient geriatric psychiatry: nurses’ perceptions and lessons learned. Can J Aging. Jul 03, 2018;37(3):245-260. [CrossRef]46]. However, new surveillance technologies never functioned properly from the outset, and implementing them often resulted in initial malfunctions [Lauriks S, Meiland F, Osté JP, Hertogh C, Dröes RM. Effects of assistive home technology on quality of life and falls of people with dementia and job satisfaction of caregivers: results from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Assist Technol. Sep 02, 2020;32(5):243-250. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]50]. These initial malfunctions, such as false alarms, poor Wi-Fi, and slow software had a negative influence on the level of acceptance, partly due to the nursing staff’s great sense of responsibility for the residents [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Coahran M, Hillier LM, Van Bussel L, Black E, Churchyard R, Gutmanis I, et al. Automated fall detection technology in inpatient geriatric psychiatry: nurses’ perceptions and lessons learned. Can J Aging. Jul 03, 2018;37(3):245-260. [CrossRef]46,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. These challenges limited the usability and accuracy of detecting unsafe situations and led to an even higher workload [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Coahran M, Hillier LM, Van Bussel L, Black E, Churchyard R, Gutmanis I, et al. Automated fall detection technology in inpatient geriatric psychiatry: nurses’ perceptions and lessons learned. Can J Aging. Jul 03, 2018;37(3):245-260. [CrossRef]46,Niemeijer AR, Depla M, Frederiks B, Francke AL, Hertogh C. CE: original research: the use of surveillance technology in residential facilities for people with dementia or intellectual disabilities: a study among nurses and support staff. Am J Nurs. Dec 2014;114(12):28-37; quiz 38,48. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]. In addition, these challenges resulted in nurses’ alarm fatigue and, as a result, nursing staff primarily relied on their previous experiences with residents’ routines [Zwijsen SA, Depla MF, Niemeijer AR, Francke AL, Hertogh CM. Surveillance technology: an alternative to physical restraints? A qualitative study among professionals working in nursing homes for people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. Feb 2012;49(2):212-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Niemeijer AR, Depla M, Frederiks B, Francke AL, Hertogh C. CE: original research: the use of surveillance technology in residential facilities for people with dementia or intellectual disabilities: a study among nurses and support staff. Am J Nurs. Dec 2014;114(12):28-37; quiz 38,48. [CrossRef] [Medline]48,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51].
Moreover, nursing staff found new technologies challenging because these technologies required skills they did not previously need in their daily practice [Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52]. The extent to which procedures and instructions were tailored to the nursing staff’s daily work, their shifts, and professional language influenced the nursing staff’s openness to changes and the experienced extent of self-direction [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]. Moreover, they expected the technology vendors to help them, for instance, by providing support even outside regular business hours [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Nursing teams also felt supported when some of their colleagues took the lead in teaching them [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Nijhof N, van Gemert-Pijnen JE, de Jong GE, Ankoné JW, Seydel ER. How assistive technology can support dementia care: a study about the effects of the IST Vivago watch on patients' sleeping behavior and the care delivery process in a nursing home. Technol Disabil. May 01, 2012;24(2):103-115. [CrossRef]47,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51].
Although surveillance technologies contributed to providing optimal security and safety for residents, nursing staff expressed concerns about the impact of the use of monitoring technology on privacy, their competence in using the technologies, and the replacement of their roles [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. This outcome relates to the value self-direction. Nursing staff expressed concerns that the monitoring technology was applied as a “big brother tool,” indicating a lack of confidence [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. Nursing staff preferred the application of codes of ethics and limited access by authorized professionals to protect their privacy and that of residents [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]. In addition, staff were concerned that monitoring had an impact on resident relationships [Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54] and that their role would be replaced by technology [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. The latter was also recognized by care managers, as reflected in their proxy perspectives [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52]. Particularly, older nursing staff expressed concerns about experiencing challenges while working with technology, resulting in a reserved attitude toward care technology [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. The extent to which nursing staff felt involved influenced the freedom they experienced to determine their ideas and actions. This outcome impacted their openness to changes, represented by the values self-direction in action and thought. From a proxy perspective, care managers and administrators recognized these challenges faced by nursing staff, and they mentioned that nursing staff needed time to adapt to new care technologies before they could appreciate them [Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55,Meng F, Song F, Guo M, Wang F, Feng X, Wang D, et al. Status and influential factors of intelligent healthcare in nursing homes in China. Comput Inform Nurs. May 01, 2021;39(5):265-272. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]56].
Because surveillance technologies directly interfered with the nursing process, nursing staff expressed a desire to be involved from the beginning, for instance by being involved in discussions and decision-making processes [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22], to be able to express their needs, opinions, and concerns [Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]. The values achievement and power are related to the nursing staff’s desire to be acknowledged and appreciated as important stakeholders.
In summary, the values benevolence, security, conformity,tradition, self-direction in action and thought, achievement, and power were represented among the stakeholder group of nursing staff.
Of the 31 included articles, 20 (65%) described residents as stakeholders, with 17 (85%) articles based on a (partial) proxy perspective of nursing staff (n=12, 47%), informal caregivers (n=4, 20%), LTC administrators (n=2, 10%), and developers of surveillance technologies (n=2, 10%).
Several residents who were interviewed, said they were aware of their dependency on care as a result of their cognitive decline. They adapted to life’s circumstances, reflecting the value humility. Moreover, they indicated that care customized to their preferences and needs supported their independence and contributed to their safety [Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55]. The value (personal) security is represented in the residents’ feeling of being heard by care professionals. This means that professionals know where they are, respond to their alarms, and can care for them [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Kärki A. Technology and active agency of older adults living in service house environment. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. Jan 17, 2015;10(1):27-31. [CrossRef] [Medline]57]. Consequently, surveillance technologies were perceived as part of the deal, improving their safety, and receiving individualized care [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Kärki A. Technology and active agency of older adults living in service house environment. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. Jan 17, 2015;10(1):27-31. [CrossRef] [Medline]57]. This was recognized by nursing staff because they mentioned that surveillance technologies enhanced safety and contributed to the care, in line with residents’ personal preferences, contributing to the latter’s level of independence [Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55].
Residents knew that they partly gave up their privacy when they moved to a nursing home. Nevertheless, surveillance technologies could contribute to their feeling of (personal) security because the technologies protect their privacy. Coded doors, for example, could prevent other residents from unintentionally entering their rooms [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. Although residents expressed a feeling of increased (personal) security due to surveillance technologies, they feared the consequences of these technologies as they expressed worries that these technologies would replace the valuable human contact with staff, because social contacts were an essential and highly valued part of life [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38].
Furthermore, the values conformity and tradition seemed important to residents. These values include the avoidance of significant changes in their living environment, for instance, due to the use of surveillance technologies. Residents emphasized the importance of maintaining a feeling of homeliness [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Kärki A. Technology and active agency of older adults living in service house environment. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. Jan 17, 2015;10(1):27-31. [CrossRef] [Medline]57]. In addition, surveillance technology should not jeopardize their feeling of homeliness or be (too) visible. Instead, surveillance technology should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, and not disrupt their daily routines [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Kärki A. Technology and active agency of older adults living in service house environment. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. Jan 17, 2015;10(1):27-31. [CrossRef] [Medline]57,Fraile JA, Bajo J, Corchado JM, Abraham A. Applying wearable solutions in dependent environments. IEEE Trans Inform Technol Biomed. Nov 2010;14(6):1459-1467. [CrossRef]58]. Caregivers, as proxies, noticed that the extent of devices’ intrusiveness to residents influenced the acceptability of devices [Nijhof N, van Gemert-Pijnen JE, de Jong GE, Ankoné JW, Seydel ER. How assistive technology can support dementia care: a study about the effects of the IST Vivago watch on patients' sleeping behavior and the care delivery process in a nursing home. Technol Disabil. May 01, 2012;24(2):103-115. [CrossRef]47,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55,Bankole A, Anderson M, Knight A, Oh K, Smith-Jackson T, Hanson MA, et al. Continuous, non-invasive assessment of agitation in dementia using inertial body sensors. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Wireless Health. 2011. Presented at: WH '11; October 10-13, 2011; San Diego, CA. [CrossRef]59]. Moreover, several residents expressed resistance to technology based on the usefulness they experienced [Soto-Mendoza V, García-Macías JA, Chávez E, Martínez-García AI, Favela J, Serrano-Alvarado P, et al. Design of a predictive scheduling system to improve assisted living services for elders. ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol. Jul 24, 2015;6(4):1-31. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]60]. The relevance of these factors was recognized in the proxy perspective of nursing staff and informal caregivers [Nijhof N, van Gemert-Pijnen JE, de Jong GE, Ankoné JW, Seydel ER. How assistive technology can support dementia care: a study about the effects of the IST Vivago watch on patients' sleeping behavior and the care delivery process in a nursing home. Technol Disabil. May 01, 2012;24(2):103-115. [CrossRef]47,Bankole A, Anderson M, Knight A, Oh K, Smith-Jackson T, Hanson MA, et al. Continuous, non-invasive assessment of agitation in dementia using inertial body sensors. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Wireless Health. 2011. Presented at: WH '11; October 10-13, 2011; San Diego, CA. [CrossRef]59,Abbate S, Avvenuti M, Light J. Usability study of a wireless monitoring system among Alzheimer's disease elderly population. Int J Telemed Appl. 2014;2014:617495-617498. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]61]. In addition, nursing staff experienced fewer nighttime disturbances for residents resulting in calmer nights [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Nursing staff noticed that the residents’ openness to changes and the experienced self-direction decreased when there were more false alarms [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Kärki A. Technology and active agency of older adults living in service house environment. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. Jan 17, 2015;10(1):27-31. [CrossRef] [Medline]57], which was recognized in the reluctance the latter expressed and is related to the experienced usefulness.
Residents’ feelings of being stigmatized or being regarded as patients increased when their wishes regarding the visibility, appearance, and usability of surveillance technologies were not met [Niemeijer AR, Depla MF, Frederiks BJ, Hertogh CM. The experiences of people with dementia and intellectual disabilities with surveillance technologies in residential care. Nurs Ethics. May 2015;22(3):307-320. [CrossRef] [Medline]18]. This outcome aligns with the value face, which emphasizes maintaining one’s public image and avoiding humiliation. Regarding this value, residents expressed greater concern about cameras than about other devices. These concerns were particularly about being recognizable in images while performing personal and hygienic activities, evoking feelings of intrusion and vulnerability [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. This factor was similarly mentioned by managers when they expressed their concerns about the invasion of residents’ privacy and dignity arising from surveillance cameras [Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54].
In summary, the values humility, (personal) security, conformity, tradition, self-direction, and face were most represented in the resident stakeholder group.
Informal Caregivers
Of the 31 articles, 13 (42%) mentioned informal caregivers (such as family caregivers and authorized representatives) as stakeholders. In total, 7 (53%) of these articles (partly) described a proxy perspective. Proxy perspectives were mostly represented by nursing staff (n=6, 46%), LTC administrators (n=2, 15%), and physicians (n=1, 8%).
Informal caregivers, mostly family members, expressed their concerns about the safety of their loved ones. Preventing (new) falls was often mentioned as a reason to use surveillance technology [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]. In their desire to contribute to the safety and well-being of their loved ones, deriving from the values benevolence and security, informal caregivers often valued residents’ personal safety above possible threats to their privacy and freedom of movement [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. This was also recognized by nursing staff and physicians, who observed informal caregivers’ peace of mind when surveillance technologies were used [Zwijsen SA, Depla MF, Niemeijer AR, Francke AL, Hertogh CM. Surveillance technology: an alternative to physical restraints? A qualitative study among professionals working in nursing homes for people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. Feb 2012;49(2):212-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. In line with this value benevolence, informal caregivers felt responsible for the well-being of their loved ones. Informal caregivers feared that surveillance technologies would replace valuable human contact that arises from this value, and this fear may be reinforced by informal caregivers’ awareness of the staff shortages in nursing homes [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. This fear was recognized by nursing staff who indicated that they perceived it among informal caregivers [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Informal caregivers noted surveillance technologies should support nursing staff rather than replace them [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. From a transcendent perspective, the value universalism seemed to be represented in informal caregivers’ concerns about striving for equality and protection of people who were weak [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31].
Informal caregivers mentioned they were willing to accept a wide range of surveillance technologies, including video surveillance, as long as they were convinced about the contribution these technologies made to the safety, quality of life, and well-being of their loved ones [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. In addition, nursing staff and managers said that the level of informal caregivers’ openness to changes was also determined by their perception of usefulness and their interest in technologies [Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]. Informal caregivers’ willingness to accept a broad range of surveillance technologies and their openness to changes reflected the value self-direction, embodying their ability to choose their goals and be involved in decision-making. The prerequisite of getting involved in (discussions about) applying surveillance technologies to their loved one [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Nijhof N, van Gemert-Pijnen JE, de Jong GE, Ankoné JW, Seydel ER. How assistive technology can support dementia care: a study about the effects of the IST Vivago watch on patients' sleeping behavior and the care delivery process in a nursing home. Technol Disabil. May 01, 2012;24(2):103-115. [CrossRef]47,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62] arises from the value power. Informal caregivers mentioned that these discussions should occur between all relevant stakeholders, such as residents, relatives, and nursing staff. In addition, informal caregivers wanted to be asked for formal consent as they were (authorized) representatives [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. In practice, informal caregivers mentioned that they were not or not sufficiently informed about the available surveillance technologies [Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62].
In summary, the values benevolence and security, universalism, self-direction, and power were represented in the stakeholder group of informal caregivers.
Care Managers
Of the 31 articles, 9 (29%) mentioned care managers as stakeholders. Several care managers mentioned that their priority was to manage the 24×7 health care service and that surveillance technologies could contribute to achieving this aim [Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. The application of surveillance technologies increased the safety of residents, which is related to the values benevolence and security. Furthermore, data from these systems could be used to defend nursing homes against allegations of negligence leveled by families [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. In line with this situation, care managers mentioned that data could help them monitor staff and hold them to account. However, care managers acknowledged that responding to an alarm was no guarantee that care was being provided [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. The ethical objections against surveillance technologies that care managers mentioned were particularly aimed at the potential impact on residents’ privacy, rather than the impact on nursing staff [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]. They acknowledged camera surveillance could contribute to a “big brother” effect and a culture of mistrust [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. For care managers, surveillance technologies particularly seemed to represent values with a personal focus, namely, to have control over and manage the residential care facility. This outcome aligned with values such as power and achievement.
Care managers mentioned they were often insufficiently prepared for new ways of working and, subsequently, the different authority structures resulting from implementation strategies. In addition, they mentioned they were unable to make implementations a priority due to other organizational priorities [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. The unpreparedness for changes they experienced could be a consequence of the changed ways of working, fear of the unknown, and clinging to the values conformity and tradition. Nevertheless, they were open to changes, although they also experienced unpreparedness for cocreation from several stakeholders [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. This unpreparedness stems from an expectation of a tailored solution from vendors—not a realization that everyone’s input including their own was a prerequisite for a joint implementation process [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Care managers taking the initiative in prioritizing reflections with other stakeholders to discuss dilemmas was mentioned as a facilitator for the successful use of surveillance technologies [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. In this respect, care managers faced challenges in their self-direction in action and thought [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31].
Furthermore, care managers felt that values power and achievement might be occasionally threatened. They indicated that they were concerned about increasing costs associated with new technologies, such as surveillance systems, while revenues remained stagnated [Stark M, Tietz R, Gattinger H, Hantikainen V, Ott S. Effects of a mobility monitoring system on the cost of care in relation to reimbursement at Swiss nursing homes: learnings from a randomized controlled trial. Health Econ Rev. Dec 01, 2017;7(1):43. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]63]. In addition, surveillance technologies were not always as robust as they needed to be to withstand use in nursing home practice, leading to recurring costs due to damaged products [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. Furthermore, care managers mentioned they felt restricted by rules and contractual obligations with vendors, which could hinder their access to technologies [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19].
In summary, the values benevolence and security were somewhat represented in the stakeholder group of care managers. However, the values power,achievement, conformity,tradition, and self-direction in action and thought were more clearly represented.
A total of 7 (23%) of the 31 articles mentioned developers as stakeholders. Developers envisioned surveillance technologies would be used to enhance the safety of residents with dementia and improve the security of residents and nursing staff while respecting the privacy of both [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55,Fraile JA, Bajo J, Corchado JM, Abraham A. Applying wearable solutions in dependent environments. IEEE Trans Inform Technol Biomed. Nov 2010;14(6):1459-1467. [CrossRef]58]. This outcome aligned with the value security.
In addition, developers mentioned they sought to use their technologies to enable nursing staff to support and assist residents with progressive diseases such as dementia. Due to the characteristics of the resident population, developers mentioned that surveillance technologies should be dynamic and scalable and be designed for failure and intensive use [Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55]. This outcome reflected the value benevolence as it underscored their determination to support and assist those in need.
Developers emphasized that by testing monitoring technologies new insights were created and improvements could be made. Testing in real life supported them to achieve success, in line with the values achievement and power. However, they acknowledged that high error rates in initial tests had an influence on the nursing staff’s openness to change [Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52,Fraile JA, Bajo J, Corchado JM, Abraham A. Applying wearable solutions in dependent environments. IEEE Trans Inform Technol Biomed. Nov 2010;14(6):1459-1467. [CrossRef]58,Soto-Mendoza V, García-Macías JA, Chávez E, Martínez-García AI, Favela J, Serrano-Alvarado P, et al. Design of a predictive scheduling system to improve assisted living services for elders. ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol. Jul 24, 2015;6(4):1-31. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]60,Abbate S, Avvenuti M, Light J. Usability study of a wireless monitoring system among Alzheimer's disease elderly population. Int J Telemed Appl. 2014;2014:617495-617498. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]61]. Conversely, many initial errors occurred due to unskillful use. A higher level of training for nursing staff could reduce these errors [Fraile JA, Bajo J, Corchado JM, Abraham A. Applying wearable solutions in dependent environments. IEEE Trans Inform Technol Biomed. Nov 2010;14(6):1459-1467. [CrossRef]58]. This outcome challenged developers’ values stimulation and self-direction because they were generally excited about new technologies when they noticed the impact of their technologies on end users in nursing homes [Soto-Mendoza V, García-Macías JA, Chávez E, Martínez-García AI, Favela J, Serrano-Alvarado P, et al. Design of a predictive scheduling system to improve assisted living services for elders. ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol. Jul 24, 2015;6(4):1-31. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]60]. Furthermore, developers emphasized the importance of evaluating the effects of surveillance technologies in nursing homes [Soto-Mendoza V, García-Macías JA, Chávez E, Martínez-García AI, Favela J, Serrano-Alvarado P, et al. Design of a predictive scheduling system to improve assisted living services for elders. ACM Trans Intell Syst Technol. Jul 24, 2015;6(4):1-31. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]60]. Moreover, they underlined the importance of development in close collaboration with end users and specialists in dementia care to meet their needs and requirements [Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55]. Developers acknowledged that this close collaboration was an intensive process [Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55].
In summary, for the developer stakeholder group, the values security, benevolence, achievement, power, stimulation, and self-direction were most represented.
Of the 31 articles, 5 (16%) included physicians as stakeholders in the application of surveillance technologies.
As with nursing staff and informal caregivers, the values security and benevolence were represented, as physicians agreed that providing safety was an important reason to apply these technologies. Moreover, they noted these technologies offered peace of mind to nurses and informal caregivers [Zwijsen SA, Depla MF, Niemeijer AR, Francke AL, Hertogh CM. Surveillance technology: an alternative to physical restraints? A qualitative study among professionals working in nursing homes for people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. Feb 2012;49(2):212-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]. This outcome might explain physicians’ high acceptance rate of surveillance technologies [Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55,Fraile JA, Bajo J, Corchado JM, Abraham A. Applying wearable solutions in dependent environments. IEEE Trans Inform Technol Biomed. Nov 2010;14(6):1459-1467. [CrossRef]58].
In summary, the values security and benevolence were clearly represented in the stakeholder group of physicians.
LTC Administrators
LTC administrators were mentioned in 4 (13%) of the 31 articles. LTC administrators expressed their vision of being at the forefront of implementing new technologies, especially in newly constructed nursing homes. Generally, new technologies were considered an important solution for health care challenges [Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52]. In these administrators’ perspectives, the values self-direction in action and thought and stimulation were reflected. However, LTC administrators acknowledged that implementing these technologies challenged institution’s openness to changes because these new technologies demanded time and resources across various roles and professions [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. LTC administrators noted that education for staff was an important issue; however, they sometimes questioned the abilities of nursing staff to master the new technologies despite offering education to the latter [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37].
The values power and achievement emerged in the acknowledgment by LTC administrators that their residential care facilities were perceived as more attractive employers when they used modern surveillance technologies [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52]. The financial investments required could force organizations to opt for a cheaper but more generic design, although this may be less suitable than preferred designs [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. Consequently, LTC administrators could feel restricted in their control over resources. In line with care managers’ perspective, LTC administrators mentioned that organizational contracts limited their scope and flexibility around product choices and ongoing maintenance [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19].
In summary, the values self-direction in action and thought, stimulation, power, and achievement were represented in the stakeholder group of LTC administrators.
Values of the Other Stakeholders
The other stakeholder groups, that is, maintenance staff, ICT staff, vendors of surveillance technologies, project managers, and academics were mentioned only once or twice in the 31 articles included. Maintenance staff mentioned that although new surveillance technologies might seem to have a limited scope, only affecting night shift workers and residents, these technologies could also have an influence on janitors, cleaning staff, and substitute personnel [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. In their view, maintenance staff members were also in need of information and education to accommodate the technologies in their (cleaning and maintenance) routines. When they were not informed or did not receive education, they reported difficulties, for example, in replacing sensors and reconnecting cables after cleaning [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Because a new system is only as good as the people who are responsible for operating it, the people operating the system could affect its reliability [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Maintenance staff expressed a desire to be acknowledged as important stakeholders and be involved in education, which relates to their openness to changes in the values self-direction and stimulation. In line with the apprehensions of nursing staff, maintenance staff expressed concerns about being observed [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]. For instance, maintenance staff sometimes felt threatened due to their openness to changes and self-direction, reducing their motivation to engage with new technologies.
ICT staff emphasized the importance of system and component interoperability for ensuring system reliability because new systems were often installed into existing systems and infrastructure [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. However, they mentioned that this interoperability between systems often was not facilitated by manufacturers [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. Furthermore, the staff highlighted the importance of their involvement from the outset in exploring this compatibility and interoperability to prevent compromises in residents’ safety and security [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. This outcome reflected the need for ICT staff to be involved and acknowledged as stakeholders, in line with the values power and achievement. However, in practice, it was seen that ICT staff only became seriously involved when systems were unstable or errors occurred [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51].
In the research by Dugstad et al [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51], vendors of surveillance technologies and ICT were challenged to adopt a more socially focused approach to bridge differences between stakeholder groups. The vendors mentioned that despite their knowledge about their products, they needed the nursing staff’s insights to ensure their technologies worked in specific care environments due to the great variety of care practices and infrastructure. Besides vendors striving for their own success, reflecting the values power and achievement, they were challenged to pursue a higher purpose, in line with the value universalism. Universalism relates to vendors’ willingness to engage with other stakeholders to contribute to successful applications. In line with this value, ICT staff and vendors recognized being challenged to adopt a language that was more understandable for nursing staff who experienced differences in professional cultures and language (jargon) [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. The ICT staff and vendors mentioned they were not used to adapting their language; therefore, misunderstandings were initially manifested due to a lack of knowledge and insight into each other’s workflows. This situation challenged them to transcend their profession and jargon in order to contribute to a successful digital transformation [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Local project managers also underlined the importance of recognizing and bridging cultural differences as conditions for ensuring successful digital transformation. Hence, project managers identified their role as translators between different stakeholders [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51], in line with the value universalism.
Finally, academics mentioned that the balance between freedom and security is important. They tended to value freedom of movement over security [Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20]. The socially focused value benevolence was reflected in being devoted to the welfare of others and protecting people with an increased care dependency. However, academics tend to attach great importance to residents’ freedom to determine their own actions despite the dementia, which relates to the value self-direction.
Figure 2 presents the stakeholders’ basic human values. The darker the color scheme, the more often this value is applied to various stakeholders.

Principal Findings
This scoping review aimed to identify the stakeholders involved in applying surveillance technologies for people with dementia in nursing homes and to describe the values of these stakeholders. Overall, 12 stakeholder groups were identified in 31 articles. The stakeholder groups of nursing staff, residents, and informal caregivers were most often mentioned in these articles. Several stakeholder groups, such as physicians, LTC administrators, maintenance staff, ICT staff, vendors, and project managers, were mentioned significantly less frequently [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55].
Although many stakeholder groups emphasized the importance of being acknowledged and feeling involved as stakeholders [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62], they said that their involvement should be improved [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62]. Moreover, several stakeholders mentioned feeling dissatisfied when they did not feel sufficiently involved [Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62]. As dissatisfaction could detract from success, all relevant stakeholders should be involved [Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]. Furthermore, in literature, the importance of involving both primary stakeholders, also known as end users, and secondary stakeholders (ie, more distantly involved stakeholders) is underlined as contributing to the successful implementation of care technologies, such as surveillance technologies [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Wernaart B. Wernaart B, editor. Moral Design and Technology. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers; 2022. 28,Wouters EJ. Technologie: een zorg minder? Tilburg University. 2018. URL: [accessed 2021-12-10] 29].
To determine which primary and secondary stakeholders should be involved and engaged, it is important to identify these stakeholders [Franco-Trigo L, Fernandez-Llimos F, Martínez-Martínez F, Benrimoj SI, Sabater-Hernández D. Stakeholder analysis in health innovation planning processes: a systematic scoping review. Health Policy. Oct 2020;124(10):1083-1099. [CrossRef] [Medline]69]. Identifying stakeholders can be accomplished, for example, through a stakeholder analysis [Franco-Trigo L, Fernandez-Llimos F, Martínez-Martínez F, Benrimoj SI, Sabater-Hernández D. Stakeholder analysis in health innovation planning processes: a systematic scoping review. Health Policy. Oct 2020;124(10):1083-1099. [CrossRef] [Medline]69]. Several stakeholder matrices such as the power-interest matrix, the 3D matrix, and the responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed matrix offer tools to identify stakeholders and categorize their attributes such as their power, position, and level of interest [Franco-Trigo L, Fernandez-Llimos F, Martínez-Martínez F, Benrimoj SI, Sabater-Hernández D. Stakeholder analysis in health innovation planning processes: a systematic scoping review. Health Policy. Oct 2020;124(10):1083-1099. [CrossRef] [Medline]69,Riahi Y. Project stakeholders: analysis and management processes. Int J Econ Manag Stud. 2017;4(3):39-45. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]70]. In addition, these matrices support prioritizing who should be involved and to what extent. These matrices reflect the increased recognition of how the characteristics of stakeholders influence innovation and implementation processes [Franco-Trigo L, Fernandez-Llimos F, Martínez-Martínez F, Benrimoj SI, Sabater-Hernández D. Stakeholder analysis in health innovation planning processes: a systematic scoping review. Health Policy. Oct 2020;124(10):1083-1099. [CrossRef] [Medline]69,Brugha R, Varvasovszky Z. Stakeholder analysis: a review. Health Policy Plan. Sep 2000;15(3):239-246. [CrossRef] [Medline]71,Gregory R, Keeney RL. Creating policy alternatives using stakeholder values. Manag Sci. Aug 1994;40(8):1035-1048. [CrossRef]72]. Regardless of the distinction between stakeholders’ level of involvement and their responsibilities, the resistance of any stakeholder can have an influence on the success of the implementation of care technologies.
Resistance by stakeholders is a challenge, necessitating the identification of alternative perspectives to a situation [Braun D, Kramer J. Weerstand is bullshit. Boom Management. Oct 27, 2016. URL: [accessed 2024-01-14] 73-Willis R. What drives resistance to change? A leader's perspective. Assentire. 2012. URL:'s_Perspective [accessed 2024-01-12] 75]. Therefore, besides identifying stakeholders when applying care technology, it is necessary to realize that care technologies strongly influence the care process and everyone involved. Therefore, cooperation between stakeholders who have previously rarely cooperated is essential. Hence, it is important to thoroughly know and acknowledge the different stakeholders and their differences and respect their differing interests [Wouters EJ. Technologie: een zorg minder? Tilburg University. 2018. URL: [accessed 2021-12-10] 29].
Several implementation theories provide theoretical support to implementation processes, especially in complex contexts such as health care. One of the theoretical constructs for involving multiple stakeholders in implementation processes in health care is the normalization process theory (NPT) by May et al [May C, Finch T, Mair F, Ballini L, Dowrick C, Eccles M, et al. Understanding the implementation of complex interventions in health care: the normalization process model. BMC Health Serv Res. Sep 19, 2007;7:148. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]76]. NPT provides tools to enhance an understanding of the social processes of thinking, enacting, and organizing work to implement and adopt interventions in care processes within health care organizations [Braspenning AM, Cranen K, Snaphaan LJ, Wouters EJ. A multiple stakeholder perspective on the drivers and barriers for the implementation of lifestyle monitoring using infrared sensors to record movements for vulnerable older adults living alone at home: a qualitative study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Jan 05, 2022;19(1):570. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]77]. NPT distinguishes 4 constructs: coherence, cognitive participation, collective action, and reflexive monitoring. These 4 constructs emphasize the relevance of knowledge about the value that stakeholders assign to care technology and attention to stakeholders’ willingness to participate and cooperate. NPT also focuses on keeping people engaged during the whole implementation process, including reflecting upon and appraising the effect of newly implemented technology [Wouters EJ. Technologie: een zorg minder? Tilburg University. 2018. URL: [accessed 2021-12-10] 29,May CR, Mair F, Finch T, MacFarlane A, Dowrick C, Treweek S, et al. Development of a theory of implementation and integration: Normalization Process Theory. Implement Sci. May 21, 2009;4:29. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]78].
A common thread across the NPT as well as other implementation theories is the need for cooperation and communication between stakeholders focusing on knowing and acknowledging each other’s perspectives, values, and interests [Wouters EJ. Technologie: een zorg minder? Tilburg University. 2018. URL: [accessed 2021-12-10] 29,Verkerk M. A philosophy-based ‘toolbox’ for designing technology: the conceptual power of Dooyeweerdian philosophy. Koers- Bull Christ Scholarsh. Aug 11, 2014;79(3). [CrossRef]79]. For instance, in the early 90s, Gregory and Keeney [Gregory R, Keeney RL. Creating policy alternatives using stakeholder values. Manag Sci. Aug 1994;40(8):1035-1048. [CrossRef]72] wrote about the right of multiple stakeholders to be involved in policy decision processes and consequently balance between conflicting objectives. In addition, they mentioned that values, beliefs, cooperative potential, and stakeholders’ concerns are known to influence the outcome of innovation processes [Gregory R, Keeney RL. Creating policy alternatives using stakeholder values. Manag Sci. Aug 1994;40(8):1035-1048. [CrossRef]72]. Similarly, in business ethics, Dentoni et al [Dentoni D, Bitzer V, Schouten G. Harnessing wicked problems in multi-stakeholder partnerships. J Bus Ethics. Apr 7, 2018;150:333-356. [CrossRef]80] mentioned the complexity of multiple stakeholder involvement in dynamic settings because each stakeholder group has its own set of values, perceptions, and interests that may clash. This situation requires fundamentally different approaches that demand understanding differing values, complex settings, and acting upon uncertain knowledge [Dentoni D, Bitzer V, Schouten G. Harnessing wicked problems in multi-stakeholder partnerships. J Bus Ethics. Apr 7, 2018;150:333-356. [CrossRef]80].
The active participation of stakeholders challenges them to effectively collaborate with a critical and open stance toward their perspectives and values. Several stakeholders in this scoping review mentioned that this collaboration demands not only time and effort but also challenges them to adapt their jargon to interprofessional cultures and bridge their differences [Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52]. Although all stakeholders should be able to operate and communicate across boundaries between different practices with each other, collaborating with people is difficult and can lead to tensions and misunderstandings related to values and interests [Oonk C, Gulikers J, den Brok P, Mulder M. Stimulating boundary crossing learning in a multi-stakeholder learning environment for sustainable development. Int J Sustain High Educ. Jan 13, 2022;23(8):21-40. [CrossRef]81]. Such collaboration demands competence to perceive differences as learning opportunities and to cross boundaries between multiple stakeholders [Oonk C, Gulikers J, den Brok P, Mulder M. Stimulating boundary crossing learning in a multi-stakeholder learning environment for sustainable development. Int J Sustain High Educ. Jan 13, 2022;23(8):21-40. [CrossRef]81,Saidi T, Mork E, Aminoff S, Lobban F, Romm KL. Crossing boundaries in the delivery of healthcare - a qualitative study of an eHealth intervention in relation to boundary object theory. Digit Health. Aug 30, 2023;9:20552076231196970. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]82]. Collaboration between stakeholders is receiving increasing attention from organizations. In addition, organizations have shown a growing interest in creating value through participation and interaction with multiple stakeholders. However, until now, most of the attention has been given to creating value for stakeholders and not with them. In cases of increased awareness about stakeholders’ input, values and interests may be well identified [Santos Jhunior RO, Johnston NG, Boaventura JM, Barbero ER. Value co-creation within the stakeholder theory: taking stock and moving forward. Revista de Administração Unimep. Jun 2021;19(1). [FREE Full text]83]. Thus, besides merely identifying and superficially involving stakeholders, it is important to pay attention to their perspectives, values, and interests.
Therefore, this scoping review also focused on what is already known about the stakeholder group values identified in the 31 articles reviewed. Several values in the theory of basic human values by Schwartz et al [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31] were frequently represented among the stakeholder groups. The values benevolence and security were represented in 6 (50%) out of 12 stakeholder groups. This outcome is unsurprising given the progressive nature of dementia. Most stakeholder groups mentioned they experienced a feeling of being responsible for caring for residents with dementia and responding to their needs, in line with the value benevolence [Zwijsen SA, Depla MF, Niemeijer AR, Francke AL, Hertogh CM. Surveillance technology: an alternative to physical restraints? A qualitative study among professionals working in nursing homes for people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. Feb 2012;49(2):212-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Aloulou H, Mokhtari M, Tiberghien T, Biswas J, Phua C, Kenneth Lin JH, et al. Deployment of assistive living technology in a nursing home environment: methods and lessons learned. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Apr 08, 2013;13(1):42. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]55]. Concerning the value security, striving for safety for residents with dementia is often mentioned as a reason to apply surveillance technologies [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Coahran M, Hillier LM, Van Bussel L, Black E, Churchyard R, Gutmanis I, et al. Automated fall detection technology in inpatient geriatric psychiatry: nurses’ perceptions and lessons learned. Can J Aging. Jul 03, 2018;37(3):245-260. [CrossRef]46]. However, the meaning assigned to this value varies among the different stakeholder groups. The trade-off between safety and aspects such as privacy and freedom of movement differs among various stakeholders and appears to be related to how closely a stakeholder is involved with a resident [Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20]. For nursing staff, security is related to enhancing the safety of residents and mitigating their risk of falling [Emilsson M, Karlsson C, Svensson A. Experiences of using surveillance cameras as a monitoring solution at nursing homes: the eldercare personnel's perspectives. BMC Health Services Research. Feb 10, 2023;23(1):144. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Coahran M, Hillier LM, Van Bussel L, Black E, Churchyard R, Gutmanis I, et al. Automated fall detection technology in inpatient geriatric psychiatry: nurses’ perceptions and lessons learned. Can J Aging. Jul 03, 2018;37(3):245-260. [CrossRef]46]. This relates to the responsibility they feel for their residents because they feel accountable for accidents or injuries of residents [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Niemeijer AR, Depla M, Frederiks B, Francke AL, Hertogh C. CE: original research: the use of surveillance technology in residential facilities for people with dementia or intellectual disabilities: a study among nurses and support staff. Am J Nurs. Dec 2014;114(12):28-37; quiz 38,48. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]. For care managers, the value security is also related to their accountability for providing care, managing the residential care facility, assuring families that care is provided, and monitoring staff [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. For residents, security is related to the feeling of being heard regarding their personal preferences and (care) needs and experiencing a feeling of homeliness [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Brodersen S, Lindegaard H. The smart floor: how a public-private partnership co-developed a heterogeneous healthcare technology system. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015;215:191-205. [Medline]52,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Kärki A. Technology and active agency of older adults living in service house environment. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. Jan 17, 2015;10(1):27-31. [CrossRef] [Medline]57]. Informal caregivers have concerns about their loved ones and they seem to experience more peace of mind when surveillance technologies are applied [Zwijsen SA, Depla MF, Niemeijer AR, Francke AL, Hertogh CM. Surveillance technology: an alternative to physical restraints? A qualitative study among professionals working in nursing homes for people with dementia. Int J Nurs Stud. Feb 2012;49(2):212-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54]. Consequently, informal caregivers often value safety above freedom of movement and the possible threats to privacy [Hall A, Brown Wilson C, Stanmore E, Todd C. Moving beyond 'safety' versus 'autonomy': a qualitative exploration of the ethics of using monitoring technologies in long-term dementia care. BMC Geriatr. May 24, 2019;19(1):145. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]. In contrast, academics, a group of stakeholders who do not have a close relationship with residents, tend to value freedom of movement above safety, giving high importance to the residents’ experience of freedom and self-determination [Niemeijer AR, Frederiks BJ, Depla MF, Legemaate J, Eefsting JA, Hertogh CM. The ideal application of surveillance technology in residential care for people with dementia. J Med Ethics. May 2011;37(5):303-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]20].
As is evident in the considerations regarding safety, surveillance technologies that are applied in practice affect the work and living environment of several stakeholder groups [Dorsten AM, Sifford KS, Bharucha A, Mecca LP, Wactlar H. Ethical perspectives on emerging assistive technologies: insights from focus groups with stakeholders in long-term care facilities. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. Mar 2009;4(1):25-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]. Accordingly, many stakeholders emphasized their desire to be and to feel involved in the application of surveillance technologies [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]. Arising from this desire, the values self-direction in action and thought were represented in 8 (67%) of 12 stakeholder groups. This outcome underlines the relevance of thoroughly involving stakeholders throughout the implementation and application process. In addition, the degree of stakeholders’ openness to changes, their experienced self-direction, and their tendency to cling to traditional routines seem to be related to the extent to which they feel involved. The more they feel involved, the more they are open to changes and willing to collaborate [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Nijhof N, van Gemert-Pijnen JE, de Jong GE, Ankoné JW, Seydel ER. How assistive technology can support dementia care: a study about the effects of the IST Vivago watch on patients' sleeping behavior and the care delivery process in a nursing home. Technol Disabil. May 01, 2012;24(2):103-115. [CrossRef]47,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62]. Being and feeling involved is especially an important issue for nursing staff because surveillance technologies directly interfere with the nursing process. Therefore, nursing staff were the most frequently cited stakeholders. They were mentioned in 23 (74%) of the 31 articles. Accordingly, they expected to be involved from the beginning; asked to express their needs, opinions, and concerns [Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53]; involved in decision-making; and acknowledged as important stakeholders [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]. Informal caregivers mentioned that they were willing to accept a broad range of technologies for their relatives as long as the former were informed about the surveillance technologies, were involved in deliberations about the technologies, and were asked for their consent regarding the application of the technologies [Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Nijhof N, van Gemert-Pijnen JE, de Jong GE, Ankoné JW, Seydel ER. How assistive technology can support dementia care: a study about the effects of the IST Vivago watch on patients' sleeping behavior and the care delivery process in a nursing home. Technol Disabil. May 01, 2012;24(2):103-115. [CrossRef]47,Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62].
Related to the value self-direction were the values power and achievement, representing stakeholders’ desire to exert their influence on other people or use material resources and pursue success in competencies and performance. The values power and achievement were mentioned by 7 and 6 stakeholder groups, respectively. These values are a reflection that stakeholders such as nursing staff, informal caregivers, developers, ICT staff, and vendors want to feel recognized in their knowledge and experiences, and want to exert their influence in the application of surveillance technologies [Hall A, Wilson CB, Stanmore E, Todd C. Implementing monitoring technologies in care homes for people with dementia: a qualitative exploration using Normalization Process Theory. Int J Nurs Stud. Jul 2017;72:60-70. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Dugstad J, Eide T, Nilsen ER, Eide H. Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Serv Res. Jun 10, 2019;19(1):366. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51-Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Abbate S, Avvenuti M, Light J. Usability study of a wireless monitoring system among Alzheimer's disease elderly population. Int J Telemed Appl. 2014;2014:617495-617498. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]61,Anker-Hansen C, Grøndahl VA, Helgesen AK, Fagerli LB, Rummelhoff G, Bååth C, et al. Informal caregivers and assistive technology in Norwegian nursing homes. PLoS One. Oct 4, 2022;17(10):e0275474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62]. For care managers and LTC administrators, the values power and achievement are related to control over and the management of residential care facilities [Bourbonnais A, Rousseau J, Lalonde MH, Meunier J, Lapierre N, Gagnon MP. Conditions and ethical challenges that could influence the implementation of technologies in nursing homes: a qualitative study. Int J Older People Nurs. Dec 2019;14(4):e12266. [CrossRef] [Medline]53,Berridge C, Halpern J, Levy K. Cameras on beds: the ethics of surveillance in nursing home rooms. AJOB Empir Bioeth. Feb 22, 2019;10(1):55-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]54].
Although several values such as benevolence, security, self-direction, power, and achievement were represented by most of the stakeholders, the various stakeholder groups assigned different meanings to these values. Knowing and understanding diverse stakeholders’ perspectives and attitudes, including the different meanings they attribute to values, is crucial because this knowledge and understanding influence the adoption and use of technologies [Sorrentino M, Fiorilla C, Mercogliano M, Esposito F, Stilo I, Affinito G, et al. Technological interventions in European dementia care: a systematic review of acceptance and attitudes among people living with dementia, caregivers, and healthcare workers. Front Neurol. 2024;15:1474336. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]84]. Integrating multiple perspectives is valuable to fully understand the complexities of care practices [Wouters EJ. Technologie: een zorg minder? Tilburg University. 2018. URL: [accessed 2021-12-10] 29] and dementia care technology [Sorrentino M, Fiorilla C, Mercogliano M, Esposito F, Stilo I, Affinito G, et al. Technological interventions in European dementia care: a systematic review of acceptance and attitudes among people living with dementia, caregivers, and healthcare workers. Front Neurol. 2024;15:1474336. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]84]. In addition, it is challenging to distinguish whether stakeholders give meaning to a certain value based on their interests or whether they act from the resident’s perspectives. This situation demands that designated persons in health care organizations have courage and take the lead in initiating meaningful and in-depth conversations where the diverse stakeholders will be challenged to communicate across their boundaries, looking beyond their own perspectives.
Methodological Considerations
A proxy perspective was often observed in the stakeholder groups of nursing staff, residents, and informal caregivers. This outcome is not unusual because proxy perspectives often originate from stakeholders with whom one works or lives [Selderijk E. Aannames zijn killing voor je team. De Teamontwikkelaars. Mar 23, 2023. URL: [accessed 2023-12-18] 85]. In addition, proxy perspectives are often seen in stakeholder groups that collaborate and deal with matters that touch on values and interests. Hence, a proxy perspective was regularly seen among nursing staff and informal caregivers in this scoping review. Furthermore, when making assumptions, people are less understanding of others’ actual motivations [Selderijk E. Aannames zijn killing voor je team. De Teamontwikkelaars. Mar 23, 2023. URL: [accessed 2023-12-18] 85]. Accordingly, Kloos et al [Kloos N, Drossaert C, Bohlmeijer E, Westerhof GJ. How well do nursing staff assess the wellbeing of nursing home residents? An explorative study of using single-question scales. Ageing Soc. Sep 22, 2020;42(4):812-828. [CrossRef]86] researched the well-being of residents and found that nursing staff tended to overestimate the well-being of residents. Their study underlines the importance of combining proxy assessments with self-reports whenever possible. In addition, Kunicki et al [Kunicki ZJ, Madrigal C, Quach LT, Riester MR, Jiang L, Duprey MS, et al. Comparing resident, proxy, and staff respondents for nursing home residents' preferences for everyday living. J Appl Gerontol. Jan 26, 2023;42(1):28-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]87] noted that the level of involvement of proxies and their sense of well-being could influence their perception of the resident’s preferences. Kunicki et al [Kunicki ZJ, Madrigal C, Quach LT, Riester MR, Jiang L, Duprey MS, et al. Comparing resident, proxy, and staff respondents for nursing home residents' preferences for everyday living. J Appl Gerontol. Jan 26, 2023;42(1):28-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]87] recommended that proxies find methods to better understand residents’ preferences when residents were not able to express their preferences properly [Kunicki ZJ, Madrigal C, Quach LT, Riester MR, Jiang L, Duprey MS, et al. Comparing resident, proxy, and staff respondents for nursing home residents' preferences for everyday living. J Appl Gerontol. Jan 26, 2023;42(1):28-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]87]. This scoping review raises the question of whether proxy perspectives of residents with dementia reveal resident’s perspectives. Although it is challenging to interview residents with dementia due to the impairments related to their condition, it is possible to involve them. Therefore, in future research, residents should be made participants in research to understand their perspectives [Roelofs TS, Luijkx KG, Embregts PJ. A person-centered approach to study intimacy and sexuality in residential care facility (RCF) clients with dementia: methodological considerations and a guide to study design. NeuroRehabilitation. Oct 14, 2017;41(2):359-373. [CrossRef] [Medline]88,van Boekel LC, Wouters EJ, Grimberg BM, van der Meer NJ, Luijkx KG. Perspectives of stakeholders on technology use in the care of community-living older adults with dementia: a systematic literature review. Healthcare (Basel). May 28, 2019;7(2):73. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]89].
Strengths and Limitations
Previous studies primarily focused on facilitating and limiting factors and ethical dilemmas when applying surveillance technologies to people with dementia [Niemeijer AR, Depla MF, Frederiks BJ, Hertogh CM. The experiences of people with dementia and intellectual disabilities with surveillance technologies in residential care. Nurs Ethics. May 2015;22(3):307-320. [CrossRef] [Medline]18,Niemeijer A, Depla M, Frederiks B, Hertogh C. Toezichthoudende domotica: een handreiking voor zorginstellingen. VUmc. 2012. URL: [accessed 2022-04-12] 23,Wangmo T, Lipps M, Kressig RW, Ienca M. Ethical concerns with the use of intelligent assistive technology: findings from a qualitative study with professional stakeholders. BMC Med Ethics. Dec 19, 2019;20(1):98. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36-Sallinen M, Hentonen O, Teeri S. Ethical dilemmas related to the use of safety technology in service house environments. Scand J Caring Sci. Mar 2020;34(1):199-205. [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. However, this scoping review is the first to explore which universally recognized human values are reflected in the experiences and opinions of stakeholders. Because values reflect human thinking and determine attitude and behavior, it is crucial to consider the underlying values that explain stakeholders’ behavior and reactions [Kleyweg J. Moraliteitontwikkeling en de 10 waardentheorie van Schwartz: exploratief onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van moreel oordelen in de maatschappij anno 2006 en de relatie tot de waardentheorie van Schwartz. Universiteit Twente. Aug 31, 2006. URL: [accessed 2023-08-12] 34,Fujihara R, Montezano L, Alfinito S. Are we ready for new technologies? The relation between human values and technology readiness applied to m-commerce in Brazil. Organ Soc. Jul 2022;29(102):537-568. [CrossRef]35,Verkerk M. A philosophy-based ‘toolbox’ for designing technology: the conceptual power of Dooyeweerdian philosophy. Koers- Bull Christ Scholarsh. Aug 11, 2014;79(3). [CrossRef]79]. Stakeholders’ values were classified using the basic human values model by Schwartz. Although this model offers an empirically tested theory to predict attitudes and behaviors in different contexts and situations, it is possible that not all opinions and experiences of stakeholders could be categorized using the model. Furthermore, it is likely that the stakeholders’ values do not provide a complete picture of the values that stakeholders hold in practice because the representation of stakeholders’ values in this scoping review is based on information that did not primarily focus on stakeholders’ values.
Recommendations for Research
Although this scoping review identified 12 stakeholder groups, most (26/31, 84%) of the articles included in the review described only 4 or fewer stakeholder groups. Therefore, various stakeholder groups were underrepresented. Future research should emphasize the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. In addition, our explorations of stakeholders’ values revealed there is insufficient information about stakeholders’ values. Hence, more research about the values that influence stakeholders’ actions and decisions should be conducted. In exploring stakeholders’ perspectives and values, a proxy perspective should be avoided where possible. In future research, inviting stakeholders to look beyond their perspectives and boundaries could be useful in mitigating language and knowledge boundaries between different stakeholders. This approach could facilitate constructive cooperation between stakeholders. In addition, efforts should be made to include residents with dementia in research to explore their perspective rather than assumptions about residents’ perspectives being largely based on a proxy perspective. Listening to people with dementia can enhance the quality, relevance, and impact of dementia research, which contributes to the enhancement of knowledge based on what we learn from them and their informal caregivers, in order to create knowledge with them [Frank L, Jennings LA, Petersen RC, Majid T, Gilmore-Bykovskyi A, Schicker L, et al. Participation of persons with dementia and their caregivers in research. J Am Geriatr Soc. Jul 10, 2021;69(7):1784-1792. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]90]. Participatory research could apply to this kind of research about complex dynamic subjects; research should be conducted with rather than about stakeholders.
All stakeholders involved in applying surveillance technologies expressed a desire for their perspectives and values to be acknowledged. This desire stems from the human need to be acknowledged and appreciated. Moreover, all the stakeholders manifested a willingness to be engaged and participate. The broad acknowledgment and involvement of stakeholders and an understanding of their perspectives and values contribute to the successful implementation and application of surveillance technologies for people with dementia in nursing homes. Therefore, when applying surveillance technologies for people with dementia, residential care facilities are expected to intensively collaborate with an increasing number of stakeholders. Therefore, stakeholders’ active engagement, with attention to everyone’s perspectives and values, is more important than ever.
The authors thank information specialist C Niehot for the support in drawing up the search string for this scoping review. In addition, the authors thank Professor Dr M Verkerk for the conversations about values, interests, and ideals and Professor Dr S Schwartz, Drs D Arets, R van de Vorst, and Dr B Wernaart for the helpful feedback in using the theory of values by Schwartz et al [Schwartz SH, Cieciuch J, Vecchione M, Davidov E, Fischer R, Beierlein C, et al. Refining the theory of basic individual values. J Pers Soc Psychol. Oct 2012;103(4):663-688. [CrossRef] [Medline]31] to organize the results of this scoping review according to human values.
Authors' Contributions
All authors reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
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ICT: information and communication technology |
LTC: long-term care |
NPT: normalization process theory |
PRISMA-ScR: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews |
Edited by R Bjarnadottir; submitted 11.07.24; peer-reviewed by J McMurray, M Nakanishi; comments to author 27.11.24; revised version received 09.01.25; accepted 30.01.25; published 20.03.25.
Copyright©Daniëlle van Gaans-Riteco, Annerieke Stoop, Eveline Wouters. Originally published in JMIR Aging (, 20.03.2025.
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