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In-Home Positioning for Remote Home Health Monitoring in Older Adults: Systematic Review

In-Home Positioning for Remote Home Health Monitoring in Older Adults: Systematic Review

In-Home Positioning for Remote Home Health Monitoring in Older Adults: Systematic Review


Corresponding Author:

Andrew Chan, MD, PhD, PEng

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

10105 112 Ave NW

Edmonton, AB, T5G 0H1


Phone: 1 7802037731


Background: With the growing proportion of Canadians aged >65 years, smart home and health monitoring technologies may help older adults manage chronic disease and support aging in place. Localization technologies have been used to support the management of frailty and dementia by detecting activities in the home.

Objective: This systematic review aims to summarize the clinical evidence for in-home localization technologies, review the acceptability of monitoring, and summarize the range of technologies being used for in-home localization.

Methods: The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) methodology was followed. MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and Scopus were searched with 2 reviewers performing screening, extractions, and quality assessments.

Results: A total of 1935 articles were found, with 36 technology-focused articles and 10 articles that reported on patient outcomes being included. From moderate- to high-quality studies, 2 studies reported mixed results on identifying mild cognitive dementia or frailty, while 4 studies reported mixed results on the acceptability of localization technology. Technologies included ambient sensors; Bluetooth- or Wi-Fi–received signal strength; localizer tags using radio frequency identification, ultra-wideband, Zigbee, or GPS; and inertial measurement units with localizer tags.

Conclusions: The clinical utility of localization remains mixed, with in-home sensors not being able to differentiate between older adults with healthy cognition and older adults with mild cognitive impairment. However, frailty was detectable using in-home sensors. Acceptability is moderately positive, particularly with ambient sensors. Localization technologies can achieve room detection accuracies up to 92% and linear accuracies of up to 5-20 cm that may be promising for future clinical applications.

Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42022339845;

JMIR Aging 2024;7:e57320



The proportion of Canadians aged >65 years is growing, from 7 million in 2020 to an estimated 9.5 million (23% of the population) by 2030 [Employment and Social Development Canada. Action for seniors report. Government of Canada. 2016. URL: [accessed 2022-07-31] 1-Demographic estimates by age and gender, provinces and territories: interactive dashboard. Statistics Canada. 2020. URL: [accessed 2022-07-31] 3]. With the ratio of adults aged 15-64 years to persons aged 65 years and older halving from 7.2 in 1980 to 3.6 in 2020, the question of how to maintain a sustainable health care system in the face of these changing demographics remains a top priority [Employment and Social Development Canada. Action for seniors report. Government of Canada. 2016. URL: [accessed 2022-07-31] 1]. Transforming care processes by using digital platforms and remote monitoring tools may be able to address our increasingly older population and lead to higher life expectancies [Islind AS, Lindroth T, Lundin J, Steineck G. Co-designing a digital platform with boundary objects: bringing together heterogeneous users in healthcare. Health Technol. 2019;9(4):425-438. [CrossRef]4]. Smart home and health monitoring technologies have been touted as the future of managing chronic diseases and allowing people to age in place and live within the comfort and familiarity of their own homes for longer [Alam MR, Reaz MBI, Ali MAM. A review of smart homes-past, present, and future. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern C. 2012;42(6):1190-1203. [CrossRef]5-Piau A, Wild K, Mattek N, Kaye J. Current state of digital biomarker technologies for real-life, home-based monitoring of cognitive function for mild cognitive impairment to mild Alzheimer disease and implications for clinical care: systematic review. J Med Internet Res. 2019;21(8):e12785. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8].

Aging is often accompanied by a gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity [Holliday R. Understanding Ageing. Cambridge, United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press; 1995. 9,Xue QL. The frailty syndrome: definition and natural history. Clin Geriatr Med. 2011;27(1):1-15. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. In-home monitoring technologies have been used to support older adults to age in place by detecting and managing worsening physical and cognitive decline [Narasimhan R, McGlade C. Current state of non-wearable sensor technologies for monitoring activity patterns to detect symptoms of mild cognitive impairment to alzheimer's disease. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2021;2021:2679398. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Piau A, Wild K, Mattek N, Kaye J. Current state of digital biomarker technologies for real-life, home-based monitoring of cognitive function for mild cognitive impairment to mild Alzheimer disease and implications for clinical care: systematic review. J Med Internet Res. 2019;21(8):e12785. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Brims L, Oliver K. Effectiveness of assistive technology in improving the safety of people with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Ment Health. 2019;23(8):942-951. [CrossRef] [Medline]11-Vavasour G, Giggins OM, Doyle J, Kelly D. How wearable sensors have been utilised to evaluate frailty in older adults: a systematic review. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2021;18(1):112. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. Wearables, including accelerometers and gyroscopes, have been used to monitor postural transitions [Parvaneh S, Mohler J, Toosizadeh N, Grewal GS, Najafi B. Postural transitions during activities of daily living could identify frailty status: application of wearable technology to identify frailty during unsupervised condition. Gerontology. 2017;63(5):479-487. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]20] and provide yearly gait speed assessments [White DK, Neogi T, Nevitt MC, Peloquin CE, Zhu Y, Boudreau RM, et al. Trajectories of gait speed predict mortality in well-functioning older adults: the health, aging and body composition study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;68(4):456-464. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21], while weight scales and grip balls have been used to monitor changes in weight and grip strength [Chkeir A, Novella J, Dramé M, Bera D, Collart M, Duchêne J. In-home physical frailty monitoring: relevance with respect to clinical tests. BMC Geriatr. 2019;19(1):34. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]. Actigraphy has been commonly used in cross-sectional studies on physical activity and gait alongside ambient sensors [Dasenbrock L, Heinks A, Schwenk M, Bauer JM. Technology-based measurements for screening, monitoring and preventing frailty. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2016;49(7):581-595. [CrossRef] [Medline]13] and to monitor behavioral changes such as agitation and aggression [Cote AC, Phelps RJ, Kabiri NS, Bhangu JS, Thomas KK. Evaluation of wearable technology in dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;7:501104. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]12,Khan S, Ye B, Taati B, Mihailidis A. Detecting agitation and aggression in people with dementia using sensors-a systematic review. Alzheimers Dement. 2018;14(6):824-832. [CrossRef] [Medline]16].

In order to identify appropriate interventions for aging in place, technologies need to first identify body postures and positions that can be reliably interpreted as a functional activity of daily living. While actigraphy can give some quantitative idea of the amount of movement happening, it lacks contextual data that could allow for targeted interventions and improved interpretation of activity data [Godfrey A, Brodie M, van Schooten KS, Nouredanesh M, Stuart S, Robinson L. Inertial wearables as pragmatic tools in dementia. Maturitas. 2019;127:12-17. [CrossRef] [Medline]15,Hunter SW, Divine A. The effect of walking path configuration on gait in adults with Alzheimer's dementia. Gait Posture. 2018;64:226-229. [CrossRef] [Medline]23-Persad CC, Jones JL, Ashton-Miller JA, Alexander NB, Giordani B. Executive function and gait in older adults with cognitive impairment. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(12):1350-1355. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]25]. Localization technologies are key to providing context that helps with reliable interpretation of what activities are being done. Ambient monitors, including infrared sensors and magnetic door contact sensors, can detect which room a resident is in, determine if they are cooking elaborate or simple dishes, or identify if they are doing self-care activities such as mopping or laundry. This context may be a more sensitive factor in the early detection of dementia, cognitive decline, or increased risk of falls among older adults [Kaye J, Reynolds C, Bowman M, Sharma N, Riley T, Golonka O, et al. Methodology for establishing a community-wide life laboratory for capturing unobtrusive and continuous remote activity and health data. J Vis Exp. 2018;137:56942. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]26-Rahal Y, Pigot H, Mabilleau P. Location estimation in a smart home: system implementation and evaluation using experimental data. Int J Telemed Appl. 2008;2008:142803. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28]. Wearable tags using wireless technologies such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi can also be used to localize residents in their homes, offering 1.5-5 m, or room-level accuracy that can help with interpreting what activities are being done [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29,Montoliu R, Sansano E, Gascó A, Belmonte O, Caballer A. Indoor positioning for monitoring older adults at home: Wi-Fi and BLE technologies in real scenarios. Electronics. 2020;9(5):728. [CrossRef]30]. More modern technologies, such as ultrasound or ultra-wideband (UWB) localization, provide higher level accuracies that are more useful for detecting functional activities. Detection of basic activities of daily living (personal hygiene, grooming, dressing, and toileting) and instrumental activities of daily living (managing finances, food preparation, and housekeeping laundry) are critical for effective functional assessment.

Other systematic reviews on indoor localization have focused on the technical measures of accuracy or the range of technologies that could be used to detect activities with localization techniques [Lenouvel E, Novak L, Nef T, Klöppel S. Advances in sensor monitoring effectiveness and applicability: a systematic review and update. Gerontologist. 2020;60(4):e299-e308. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Cerón J, López DM. Human activity recognition supported on indoor localization: a systematic review. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;249:93-101. [Medline]32]. The focus of this review is to review currently available localization technologies being used for clinical purposes, including the acceptability of devices and measurement of clinical outcomes or diagnoses.

The primary objective of this study is to systematically review the clinical evidence for indoor localization technologies to support in-home monitoring of older adults. Secondary objectives include the following: to review the acceptability of in-home positioning technologies and to summarize the range of localization technologies being developed.

Review Registration and Search Strategy

This systematic review protocol was registered with PROSPERO (ID: CRD42022339845) and follows the methodology of the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines [Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, PRISMA Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Int J Surg. 2010;8(5):336-341. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33]. The PRISMA checklist can be found in

Multimedia Appendix 1

PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist.

PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 66 KBMultimedia Appendix 1.

The search was completed on May 19, 2022, with inclusion criteria displayed in Textbox 1. The search strategy can be found in

Multimedia Appendix 2

Detailed search strategy for the systematic review.

PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 112 KBMultimedia Appendix 2. The search strategy included search terms for the older adult population undergoing in-home positioning or monitoring systems as their intervention. Keywords related to older adults included “Aged,” “Senior,” “Over 65,” or “Aging,” while terms on the setting included their home or house. For the technologies, terms included the purpose of monitoring (“Positioning” or “Localization”) and specific types of technologies, including wireless trackers (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, UWB, or Zigbee), wearables (accelerometers or gyroscopes), camera, and audio systems. The search did not include comparator groups or outcomes to improve the sensitivity of the search. We included studies that had at least 4 patients to improve the sensitivity of the search. Articles focused on measuring life spaces outside the home (travel to appointments, shopping centers, or recreation centers) were excluded. Studies using wearables were only included if assessed within a home setting.

Textbox 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Abstract inclusion criteria

  • Older adults (65+)
  • Monitoring technology
  • In-home setting
  • Sample size >4 patients

Full-text inclusion criteria

  • All abstract inclusion criteria
  • Positioning system

Exclusion criteria

  • Care centers (assisted living, long-term care, hospital, etc)
  • Conference abstracts
  • Reviews and study protocols
  • Non-English

Study Selection, Extraction, and Quality Assessment

MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and Scopus were searched, and articles were deduplicated. Abstract screening, full-text screening, data extraction, and quality appraisal were completed by 2 reviewers: the first author (AC) and 1 of 4 secondary reviewers (SP, BC, LQ, and JC). Reviewers were trained with 10 test abstracts and full-text articles, and then concordance was reviewed. At each stage, interrater agreement was calculated using the κ coefficient calculated by the following formula:

where Pr(a) represents the actual observed agreement and Pr(e) represents the chance agreement [McHugh ML. Interrater reliability: the kappa statistic. Biochem Med (Zagreb). 2012;22(3):276-282. [FREE Full text] [Medline]34]. Disagreements were resolved by having both reviewers reassess articles for 2 additional rounds, and then the article was discussed to reach a consensus.

Data extraction included article demographics (country and year published), study design (clinical, usability, or technical study), population characteristics (age, gender distribution, clinical diagnoses, and comparators), types of localization interventions (wearable or ambient, data transmission, technology readiness level, and data analytics methods), and outcomes (types of activities monitored, clinical assessments and outcomes, acceptability, and reliability). Data were compiled into summary tables, presenting the population, technological intervention, and clinical outcomes of each study.

To assess risk of bias, the JBI checklist for case series critical appraisal tool was used, as we did not expect any high-quality randomized controlled trials related to in-home monitoring [Munn Z, Barker TH, Moola S, Tufanaru C, Stern C, McArthur A, et al. Methodological quality of case series studies: an introduction to the JBI critical appraisal tool. JBI Evid Synth. 2020;18(10):2127-2133. [CrossRef] [Medline]35]. Criteria for appraisal were predetermined: studies with 7 or more “Yes” ratings were considered high quality, studies with 4-6 “Yes” ratings were considered moderate, and studies with fewer than 5 “Yes” ratings were considered low quality. No meta-analysis was planned, as we did not expect to find high-quality quantitative studies that would allow for heterogeneity to be assessed. Instead, the outcomes from each study were presented individually.

Clinical outcomes were summarized in summary statements, with only moderate- or high-quality studies considered. Evidence was summarized as positive if the majority of studies showed positive results, negative if the majority of studies showed negative results, and mixed if neither had a majority.

Search Results

During the initial search, 1935 articles were found, with 1008 unique articles after deduplication. After abstract screening, 127 articles remained. After full-text screening, 46 articles were included in the final extractions: 36 technology-focused articles and 10 articles that included relevant patient populations. Agreement between reviewers at the abstract screening stage was 94.9% with a κ of 0.77, and agreement for the full-text screening was 95.8% with a κ of 0.71. Quality assessment agreement was 76% with a κ of 0.51. The PRISMA flowchart in Figure 1 maps out the excluded articles.

Figure 1. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart showing included clinical studies (n=10) and technology-only studies (n=39).

Studies With Clinical Population

Table 1 displays the baseline characteristic for the 10 papers that included relevant patient populations. In total, 7 studies were conducted since 2019. In total, 5 studies were from North America, 3 from Europe, and 2 from Asia. In total, 2 studies were descriptive studies of the technology, 4 studies had a mixed design and qualitative study design, 2 had qualitative study designs, 1 was a mixed study with qualitative and quantitative outcomes, and 1 focused on quantitative outcomes. Only 1 study had more than 25 participants. In total, 8 studies had more female than male participants.

All studies had patient populations that included older adults, although only 7 specifically reported population characteristics. In total, 4 studies included older adults living at home with nonspecific functional challenges, 2 focused on adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia, and 1 focused on older adults with frailty. Half of the studies (5/10, 50%) were considered low quality, 3 (30%) were considered moderate quality, and 2 (20%) were considered high quality.

Table 2 shows the technologies and localization methods used in the included studies, their setting, and the duration of monitoring. From a technology perspective, 2 used solely an ambient sensor design, 5 combined ambient sensors with wearables, and 3 used wearable-only designs. Ambient sensors included temperature sensors, magnetic door sensors, infrared motion sensors, light switch sensors, pressure detectors, and lidar sensors. Wearables included inertial measurement units (IMUs), electrocardiograms, heart rate meters, and wearable wireless tags (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth low energy). Of the 10 studies, 7 (70%) included technologies of unknown brand or model (3 only used non-branded devices), while 3 (30%) listed the brands of devices used.

Most studies (7/10, 70%) were done in the home setting, with 2 in a home-like laboratory setting and 1 in a laboratory setting. Studies in the laboratory-home involved monitoring sessions lasting between 1 hour and 7 days [Rahal Y, Pigot H, Mabilleau P. Location estimation in a smart home: system implementation and evaluation using experimental data. Int J Telemed Appl. 2008;2008:142803. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29,Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41], while home-based monitoring ranged from 3 weeks to 18 months.

Table 3 displays the outcomes from studies that included patient populations. In total, 7 included technical outcomes, 6 included usability and acceptability outcomes based on patient or clinician surveys or interviews, and 3 included clinical outcomes. Room detection accuracy ranged from 50% to 88% across 3 studies [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27,Rahal Y, Pigot H, Mabilleau P. Location estimation in a smart home: system implementation and evaluation using experimental data. Int J Telemed Appl. 2008;2008:142803. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Montoliu R, Sansano E, Gascó A, Belmonte O, Caballer A. Indoor positioning for monitoring older adults at home: Wi-Fi and BLE technologies in real scenarios. Electronics. 2020;9(5):728. [CrossRef]30], while 1 study reported failure rates of >15% for motion detectors and servers installed in the home [Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]. One study reported linear accuracies of 1.5-2 m using wireless sensor networks within the home [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29].

Table 1. Baseline characteristics from the included clinical papers.
Author (year)CountryDesign typeParticipants, nFemaleAge (years), mean (SD; range)PopulationCategory of technologyQuality
Hu et al (2016) [Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]United StatesMixed (qualitative + design)1362%69.2 (NRa; 54-85)
  • Older adults
  • Ambient
Rahal et al (2008) [Rahal Y, Pigot H, Mabilleau P. Location estimation in a smart home: system implementation and evaluation using experimental data. Int J Telemed Appl. 2008;2008:142803. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28]CanadaDescriptive1471%50 (NR; 22-73)
  • Mostly older adults
  • Ambient
Shin et al (2021) [Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]United StatesMixed (qualitative + design)2357%73 (7.9; 62-89)
  • Older adults with difficulty conducting activities of daily living
  1. Wearable
  2. Ambient
  3. Wearable
Pais et al (2020) [Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38]SwitzerlandQualitative2148%85 (7; 72-96)
  • Older adults living at home
  1. Ambient
  2. Wearable
  3. Wearable
Lach et al (2019) [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27]United StatesMixed (qualitative + design)5100%86 (5.1; 70-90)
  • Older adults living alone in home
1. Wearable
2-5. Ambient
Hung et al (2021) [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29]TaiwanQualitative860%68 (NR; 64-77)
  • Adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia
1. Wearable
2-3. Ambient
Rawtaer et al (2020) [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39]SingaporeMixed (qualitative + quantitative)4967%73 (5.3; NR)
  1. Older adults who are cognitively healthy
  2. Older adults with mild cognitive impairment
1-4. Ambient
5. Wearable
Montoliu et al (2020) [Montoliu R, Sansano E, Gascó A, Belmonte O, Caballer A. Indoor positioning for monitoring older adults at home: Wi-Fi and BLE technologies in real scenarios. Electronics. 2020;9(5):728. [CrossRef]30]SpainDescriptive17NR62.8 (12; 30-79)
  • Older adults
  • Wearable
Chen et al (2013) [Chen K, Harniss M, Patel S, Johnson K. Implementing technology-based embedded assessment in the home and community life of individuals aging with disabilities: a participatory research and development study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2014;9(2):112-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]United StatesMixed (qualitative + design)450%65 (NR; 46-81)
  • Range of diagnoses (polio, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury)
  • Wearable
Tegou et al 2019 [Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41]GreeceQuantitative27156%76.8 (5.2; NR)
  1. Older adults who are nonfrail
  2. Older adults who are prefrail
  3. Older adults who are frail
  • Wearable

aNR: not reported.

Table 2. Technological setup and technical accuracy of localization devices.
Author (year)TechnologyBrand and modelLocalization methodPurpose of monitoringSettingDurationQuality
Hu et al (2016) [Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]
  1. Temperature, magnetic door sensor (n=2)
  2. Motion sensor (n=12)
  • Not reported
Motion detection timeNot reportedHome9-10 weeksLow
Rahal et al (2008) [Rahal Y, Pigot H, Mabilleau P. Location estimation in a smart home: system implementation and evaluation using experimental data. Int J Telemed Appl. 2008;2008:142803. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28]
  1. Motion sensor (n=10)
  2. Tactile carpet (n=18)
  3. Light switch (n=8)
  4. Door contact (n=48)
  5. Pressure detectors (n=1)
  • Not reported
Motion detection timeDetect walking or preparing sandwichHome-like laboratory50 minutesLow
Shin et al (2021) [Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]
  1. Wristband: heart rate, electrodermal activity, triaxial accelerometer (n=1)
  2. Lidar sensor (n=1)
  3. Camera wearable (n=1)
  1. Empatica E4
  2. FARO Focus S120
  3. Not reported
Camera-basedFunctional mobility, BADLa, and IADLbHome18 monthsModerate
Pais et al (2020) [Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38]
  1. Ambient sensors (not reported)
  2. Activity tracker (n=1)
  3. Electrocardiogram (n=1)
  1. DomoCare
  2. Not reported
  3. Preventice BodyGuardian
Passive IRc sensorBADL (toilet and fridge usage)Home12 monthsHigh
Lach et al (2019) [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27]
  1. Activity tracker (n=1)
  2. Motion detectors (n=3)
  3. Bed pressure sensor (n=1)
  4. Chair pressure sensor (n=1)
  5. Exit sensor (n=1)
  1. CamNtech Motion-Watch 8
  2. BeClose
Motion detection timeFunctional mobility, BADL (kitchen, bathroom activity), and sleep qualityHome3 monthsModerate
Hung et al (2021) [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29]
  1. Bluetooth localizer (n=4)
  2. Near-field communication scanner voice-guided exercise
  3. Voice questionnaire
  • Not reported
Signal intensityCognitive trainingLaboratory5 weeks (intermittent) 60-minute sessionsModerate
Rawtaer et al (2020) [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39]
  1. Passive infrared sensor (n=4)
  2. Proximity tags (n=1)
  3. Medication box (n=1)
  4. Bed sensor (n=1)
  5. Pedometer and heart rate meter (n=1)
1-4. Not reported
5. Microsoft Band
Motion detectionIdentify mild cognitive impairment or healthy cognition in community-dwelling older adultsHome2 monthsHigh
Montoliu et al (2020) [Montoliu R, Sansano E, Gascó A, Belmonte O, Caballer A. Indoor positioning for monitoring older adults at home: Wi-Fi and BLE technologies in real scenarios. Electronics. 2020;9(5):728. [CrossRef]30]
  1. Smartwatch (GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer, compass, ambient light sensor; (n=1)
  2. Wi-Fi (wireless access point; (n=2)
  3. Bluetooth low-energy beacon (n=3)
  4. Personal phone (varying)
  1. Sony Smart Watch 3
  2. Not reported
  3. iBKS
Signal intensity (received signal strength indicator)Localization to detect behavioral changesHome2 monthsLow
Chen et al (2013) [Chen K, Harniss M, Patel S, Johnson K. Implementing technology-based embedded assessment in the home and community life of individuals aging with disabilities: a participatory research and development study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2014;9(2):112-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]
  1. Wi-Fi tag (n=1)
  2. Wireless access points (n=3-7)
  3. GPS logger
1-2. Ekahau T301A
3. iBlue 860E
Signal intensity (fingerprinting) and GPSThe complete measure of physical activity using various sensorsHome3-6 weeksLow
Tegou et al (2019) [Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41]
  1. Smartphone (n=1)
  2. Bluetooth beacons (n=5)
  1. LG Nexus 5x
  2. Sensoro
Signal intensity (received signal strength indicator)Identify frailty in community-dwelling adultsHome1-7 daysLow

aBADL: basic activities of daily living; refers to personal hygiene, grooming, dressing, and toileting.

bIADL: instrumental activities of daily living; refers to managing finances, food preparation, and housekeeping laundry.

cIR: infrared.

Table 3. Outcomes from studies that included patient populations.
Author (year)Category of technologyOutcomes measuredTechnical outcomesQualitative outcomesClinical outcomesQuality
Hu et al (2016) [Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]Ambient
  • Survey: ease of installation, acceptability of sensors, instructions efficiency, device failure rates
  • Failure rate:
    • <15%: motion detectors and temperature sensors
    • >15%: door sensors, servers, and relays
  • Ease of use: 2.9 out of 4, high
  • Concerns with devices: 1.6 out of 5, low concerns
  • Instructions efficiency: 80.95%, yes
Rahal et al (2008) [Rahal Y, Pigot H, Mabilleau P. Location estimation in a smart home: system implementation and evaluation using experimental data. Int J Telemed Appl. 2008;2008:142803. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28]Ambient
  • Localization accuracy
  • Combined: 85% room detection accuracy
  • Accuracy for each device:
  1. 88%
  2. Not measured
  3. 50%
  4. 77%
  5. Not measured
  • N/A
Shin et al (2021) [Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]Ambient and wearable
  • Patient interviews: adaptive behaviors at home
  • N/A
  • For difficult activities, patients most often give up on them or perform slowly
  • Home adaptations are rarely implemented due to cost
  • High fall–risk locations are avoided
Pais et al (2020) [Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38]Ambient and wearable
  • Survey: satisfaction with devices
  • N/A
  • Ambient sensors:
    • Older adults: 81.6% positive
    • Caregivers: 80% positive
    • Nurses: 69% positive
  • Wearable sensors:
    • Older adults: 72.2% positive
    • Caregivers: 60% positive
    • Nurses: 49% positive
Lach et al (2019) [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27]Ambient and wearable
  • Measurement of activity levels and sleep duration
  • Patient interviews: Patient experiences with monitoring
  • Activity:
    • Self-reported activity and sensor activity correlate
    • Actigraphy did not
  • Sleep:
    • Self-reported: 492 min
    • Actigraphy: 524 min
    • Bed sensor: 435 min
  • Interview: opinions ranged widely on how noticeable and bothersome ambient sensors were
  • Behaviors sometimes changed due to monitoring presence
  • Compromises to data due to the presence of others in the home is a concern
Hung et al (2021) [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29]Ambient and wearable
  • Linear localization accuracy
  • Patient survey: system usability
  • Physician survey: availability and quality of system
  • 1.5-2 m in 48×32 m space
  • Patients: system usability scale: 62.8 SD 11) out of 100
  • Physicians: cognitive training more targeted and realistic in patients’ home
Rawtaer et al (2020) [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39]Ambient and wearable
  • Patient interviews: purpose not specified
  • Clinical: comparison between healthy cognition and mild cognitive impairment
  • N/A
  • 83% positive feedback
  • Improved safety, security, some intrusion where sensors were set up
No behavior difference between healthy cognition and mild cognitive impairmentHigh
Montoliu et al (2020) [Montoliu R, Sansano E, Gascó A, Belmonte O, Caballer A. Indoor positioning for monitoring older adults at home: Wi-Fi and BLE technologies in real scenarios. Electronics. 2020;9(5):728. [CrossRef]30]Wearable
  • Localization accuracy
  • Room detection accuracy: 50.9%-53.8%
  • N/A
Chen et al (2013) [Chen K, Harniss M, Patel S, Johnson K. Implementing technology-based embedded assessment in the home and community life of individuals aging with disabilities: a participatory research and development study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2014;9(2):112-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]Wearable
  • Localization accuracy
  • Patient interviews: acceptability of system
  • Room detection accuracy: 62%-87%
  • Lightweight tag: little effort is needed when using tags
  • The inclusion of GPS is helpful
Tegou et al (2019) [Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41]Wearable
  • Clinical: identify frailty in community dwelling adults
  • N/A
  • N/A
Accuracy in classifying frailty: 80%-87%Low

aN/A: not available.

For studies that included usability and acceptability outcomes, surveys from 3 studies [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29,Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38] showed positive results. One study focused on ease of setup of a smart home in a box design and found high ease of use, few concerns with devices, and highly efficient instructions [Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]. Another found the highest satisfaction among older adults, followed by caregivers, and the lowest satisfaction with nursing staff [Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38]. One study found an average system usability scale score of 62.8, indicating below average usability [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29]. Interview results from 4 studies [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27,Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Chen K, Harniss M, Patel S, Johnson K. Implementing technology-based embedded assessment in the home and community life of individuals aging with disabilities: a participatory research and development study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2014;9(2):112-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]40] found improved safety and security with devices, but there was some perceived physical intrusiveness to ambient devices [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39], and some patients changed their behavior due to monitoring [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27]. One study found a tag-based system was highly acceptable [Chen K, Harniss M, Patel S, Johnson K. Implementing technology-based embedded assessment in the home and community life of individuals aging with disabilities: a participatory research and development study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2014;9(2):112-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]40].

Lastly, regarding clinical outcomes, 1 study provided qualitative observations on why patients behaved in certain ways in their home, finding certain activities are performed slower and some areas in the home are avoided, including staircases to avoid falls, depending on their functional level [Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]. One study found no difference in behaviors between residents with mild cognitive impairment and those who were cognitively healthy, based on continuous monitoring of sleep and identifying frequency of forgetting to do activities [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39], while another study was able to classify patients as frail, prefrail, or nonfrail with 80% to 87% accuracy using machine learning algorithms from Bluetooth-based wearable localization, being monitored for 1-7 days continuously in their own home while doing their own typical activities [Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41].

Studies on Technology Validation

The primary objective of this systematic review was to review the clinical evidence for in-home localization technologies to support in-home monitoring of older adults. We found 36 articles that reported that their technology would be used for localization of clinical populations. Table 4 is a summary of the characteristics of studies focused on developing and evaluating in-home localization technologies for older adults.

Studies on ambient sensors were from North America (3/6 studies, 50%), wireless tags were most studied in Europe (6/6, 100% for Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and 5/7, 71% for other tags), and wireless tags alongside IMUs were solely studied in Asia (8/8, 100%). The majority (25/36, 69%) of studies were from after 2016. The stated purpose of monitoring was for older adults in a general sense in 27 (75%) out of 36 studies, while older adults with chronic diseases or disabilities were specified in 9 (25%) studies. The purpose of monitoring was mostly for health and safety monitoring (21/36, 58%).

The most common localization mode was to measure signal strength (23/36, 64%), followed by time-based localization (8/36, 22%), which calculates the time that it takes for a signal to travel from a tag to a reference point, and the least common was proximity sensing (5/36, 14%). Received signal strength involves estimating the distance between wearables and reference points based on the strength of the wireless signal. Localization accuracy was most reported as a linear distance (23/36, 64%), followed by classification of activities (13/36, 36%), room or area detection accuracy (6/36, 17%), and lastly accuracy in detecting multiple people in a space (5/36, 14%).

Table 5 summarizes the accuracies of different technologies, organized according to the method of localization and the type of accuracy reporting. Ambient sensors included infrared sensors, radiofrequency transceivers, and video feedback. Devices were primarily used for detecting people passing through spaces, with accuracies of 79% to 98% in differentiating people, and 92% accuracy in detecting presence in a room.

Table 4. Characteristics of studies focused on monitoring technologies.
Category and subcategoryAmbient sensor (video, infrared, magnetic, or pressure), nBluetooth or Wi-Fi, nLocalizer tag (RFIDa, UWBb, Zigbee, or GPS), nIMUc and localizer, nOther, nTotal, n



North America300058


Before 2010010012


Target audience

Older adults4467627

Older adults with chronic disease201137

Older adults with disabilities020002
Purpose of monitoring

Indoor localization301105

Activity detection100326

Health or safety monitoring2354721

Localization mode

Signal strength2657323

Proximity sensing410035

Time-based localization002128
Accuracy reporting


Activity classification2025413

Room or floor or area detection130206

Multiple tag and person detection301015

aRFID: radio frequency identification.

bUWB: ultra-wideband.

cIMU: inertial motion unit.

Table 5. Accuracy reporting from localization technologies.
Localization technologiesDistanceActivity classificationRoom or floor or area detectionMultiple tag and person detection
Ambient sensors (video, IRa, magnetic, or pressure; 6 studies)

Studies, n/N (%)1/2 (50)2/2 (100)1/1 (100)3/3 (100)

  • Thermopile sensor: 12-65 cm [Brims L, Oliver K. Effectiveness of assistive technology in improving the safety of people with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Ment Health. 2019;23(8):942-951. [CrossRef] [Medline]11]
  • IR sensors: not reported [Cote AC, Phelps RJ, Kabiri NS, Bhangu JS, Thomas KK. Evaluation of wearable technology in dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;7:501104. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]12]
  • RFb transceiver [Dasenbrock L, Heinks A, Schwenk M, Bauer JM. Technology-based measurements for screening, monitoring and preventing frailty. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2016;49(7):581-595. [CrossRef] [Medline]13]: walking: 97%, standing: 95%
  • Video [Gallucci A, Trimarchi PD, Abbate C, Tuena C, Pedroli E, Lattanzio F, et al. ICT technologies as new promising tools for the managing of frailty: a systematic review. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2021;33(6):1453-1464. [CrossRef] [Medline]14]: sensor placement optimization: 98%
  • RF transceiver [Dasenbrock L, Heinks A, Schwenk M, Bauer JM. Technology-based measurements for screening, monitoring and preventing frailty. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2016;49(7):581-595. [CrossRef] [Medline]13]: room detection: 92%
  • RF transceiver [Dasenbrock L, Heinks A, Schwenk M, Bauer JM. Technology-based measurements for screening, monitoring and preventing frailty. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2016;49(7):581-595. [CrossRef] [Medline]13]: >1 person: 79%-90%
  • IR and RF transceiver [Godfrey A, Brodie M, van Schooten KS, Nouredanesh M, Stuart S, Robinson L. Inertial wearables as pragmatic tools in dementia. Maturitas. 2019;127:12-17. [CrossRef] [Medline]15]: 2 male individuals: 83% vs 1 male and 1 female individual: 98%
  • IR doorway sensor [Khan S, Ye B, Taati B, Mihailidis A. Detecting agitation and aggression in people with dementia using sensors-a systematic review. Alzheimers Dement. 2018;14(6):824-832. [CrossRef] [Medline]16]: 1 person: 89%, 2 people: 81%
Bluetooth or Wi-Fi (6 studies)

Studies, n/N (%)4/4 (100)c3/3 (100)

  • Wireless sensor network: <250 cm [Mugueta-Aguinaga I, Garcia-Zapirain B. Is technology present in frailty? Technology a back-up tool for dealing with frailty in the elderly: a systematic review. Aging Dis. 2017;8(2):176-195. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]17]
  • Bluetooth: 60-300 cm [Teh HY, Kempa-Liehr AW, Wang KI. Sensor data quality: a systematic review. J Big Data. 2020;7(1). [CrossRef]18], 70-240 cm [Vavasour G, Giggins OM, Doyle J, Kelly D. How wearable sensors have been utilised to evaluate frailty in older adults: a systematic review. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2021;18(1):112. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19], 86 cm [Parvaneh S, Mohler J, Toosizadeh N, Grewal GS, Najafi B. Postural transitions during activities of daily living could identify frailty status: application of wearable technology to identify frailty during unsupervised condition. Gerontology. 2017;63(5):479-487. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]20]
  • Bluetooth [Teh HY, Kempa-Liehr AW, Wang KI. Sensor data quality: a systematic review. J Big Data. 2020;7(1). [CrossRef]18]: area accuracy (1 m×1 m): 95%, room detection accuracy [White DK, Neogi T, Nevitt MC, Peloquin CE, Zhu Y, Boudreau RM, et al. Trajectories of gait speed predict mortality in well-functioning older adults: the health, aging and body composition study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;68(4):456-464. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21]: 75%-84%
  • Wi-Fi [Chkeir A, Novella J, Dramé M, Bera D, Collart M, Duchêne J. In-home physical frailty monitoring: relevance with respect to clinical tests. BMC Geriatr. 2019;19(1):34. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]: room detection accuracy: 70%-87%
Localizer tag (RFIDd, UWBe, Zigbee, or GPS; 7 studies)

Studies, n/N (%)5/6 (83)2/2 (100)1/1 (100)1/1 (100)

  • RFID: 17 cm [Hunter SW, Divine A. The effect of walking path configuration on gait in adults with Alzheimer's dementia. Gait Posture. 2018;64:226-229. [CrossRef] [Medline]23], not reported [Kikkert LHJ, Vuillerme N, van Campen JP, Appels BA, Hortobágyi T, Lamoth CJC. The relationship between gait dynamics and future cognitive decline: a prospective pilot study in geriatric patients. Int Psychogeriatr. 2018;30(9):1301-1309. [CrossRef] [Medline]24]
  • UWB: 5 cm [Persad CC, Jones JL, Ashton-Miller JA, Alexander NB, Giordani B. Executive function and gait in older adults with cognitive impairment. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008;63(12):1350-1355. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]25], 5-20 cm [Kaye J, Reynolds C, Bowman M, Sharma N, Riley T, Golonka O, et al. Methodology for establishing a community-wide life laboratory for capturing unobtrusive and continuous remote activity and health data. J Vis Exp. 2018;137:56942. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]26]
  • Zigbee [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27]: 92 cm
  • UWB+BLEf [Rahal Y, Pigot H, Mabilleau P. Location estimation in a smart home: system implementation and evaluation using experimental data. Int J Telemed Appl. 2008;2008:142803. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28]: 23-100 cm
  • UWB [Kaye J, Reynolds C, Bowman M, Sharma N, Riley T, Golonka O, et al. Methodology for establishing a community-wide life laboratory for capturing unobtrusive and continuous remote activity and health data. J Vis Exp. 2018;137:56942. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]26]: fall detection: sensitivity 99%, specificity 98%
  • RFID [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29]: object identification 88%
  • RFID [Hunter SW, Divine A. The effect of walking path configuration on gait in adults with Alzheimer's dementia. Gait Posture. 2018;64:226-229. [CrossRef] [Medline]23]: area accuracy (1.1 m×1.2 m): 90%
  • RFID [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29]: multitag sensitivity: 76%-90%
IMUg and localizer (8 studies)

Studies, n/N (%)6/6 (100)5/5 (75)2/2 (100)

  • IMU+UWB: 7.6 cm [Montoliu R, Sansano E, Gascó A, Belmonte O, Caballer A. Indoor positioning for monitoring older adults at home: Wi-Fi and BLE technologies in real scenarios. Electronics. 2020;9(5):728. [CrossRef]30]
  • IMU+RFID: 10-40 cm in 3.6×2.8 m [Lenouvel E, Novak L, Nef T, Klöppel S. Advances in sensor monitoring effectiveness and applicability: a systematic review and update. Gerontologist. 2020;60(4):e299-e308. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31], <50 cm [Cerón J, López DM. Human activity recognition supported on indoor localization: a systematic review. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;249:93-101. [Medline]32]
  • IMU+Zigbee: 120 cm in 11 m×5.75 m [Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, PRISMA Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Int J Surg. 2010;8(5):336-341. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33], 83-189 cm [McHugh ML. Interrater reliability: the kappa statistic. Biochem Med (Zagreb). 2012;22(3):276-282. [FREE Full text] [Medline]34]
  • IMU+BLE: 47 cm [Munn Z, Barker TH, Moola S, Tufanaru C, Stern C, McArthur A, et al. Methodological quality of case series studies: an introduction to the JBI critical appraisal tool. JBI Evid Synth. 2020;18(10):2127-2133. [CrossRef] [Medline]35]
  • IMU+Zigbee: fall detection: 89% [Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, PRISMA Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Int J Surg. 2010;8(5):336-341. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33], unspecified activity: 100% [Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41]
  • IMU+RFID: posture recognition: 100% [Cerón J, López DM. Human activity recognition supported on indoor localization: a systematic review. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;249:93-101. [Medline]32]
  • IMU+BLE: step count within 1 step/minute [Munn Z, Barker TH, Moola S, Tufanaru C, Stern C, McArthur A, et al. Methodological quality of case series studies: an introduction to the JBI critical appraisal tool. JBI Evid Synth. 2020;18(10):2127-2133. [CrossRef] [Medline]35]
  • IMU+BLE: activity classification: 95% [Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]
  • IMU+Zigbee: area accuracy (2 m×2 m): 90% [Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41]
  • IMU+BLE: room detection accuracy 86.6% [Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]
Others (9 studies)

Studies, n/N (%)5/6 (83)3/4 (75)0/1 (0)

  • Triboelectric tracker [Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38]: at 1.5 m, 20-30 cm
  • Unspecified doorway sensors: distance traveled error: 10.5%-24% [Chen K, Harniss M, Patel S, Johnson K. Implementing technology-based embedded assessment in the home and community life of individuals aging with disabilities: a participatory research and development study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2014;9(2):112-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]
  • Android location-based service: not reported [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39]
  • Ultrasound+RF: 11 cm [Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]
  • Floor vibration sensor: 24-61 cm [Chan A, Cohen R, Robinson K, Bhardwaj D, Gregson G, Jutai JW, et al. Evidence and user considerations of home health monitoring for older adults: scoping review. JMIR Aging. 2022;5(4):e40079. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42]
  • BLE+Acoustic+Light Fidelity: 20 cm [Mann WC, Marchant T, Tomita M, Fraas L, Stanton K. Elder acceptance of health monitoring devices in the home. Care Manag J. 2001;3(2):91-98. [Medline]43]
  • IMU+Mic+Wi-Fi: ADL recognition: 92-99% [Mihailidis A, Cockburn A, Longley C, Boger J. The acceptability of home monitoring technology among community-dwelling older adults and baby boomers. Assist Technol. 2008;20(1):1-12. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]
  • Unspecified doorway sensors: activity detection: 92% [Chen K, Harniss M, Patel S, Johnson K. Implementing technology-based embedded assessment in the home and community life of individuals aging with disabilities: a participatory research and development study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2014;9(2):112-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]
  • Ultrasound+RF: gait speed error: 91% [Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37], distance walked: 92%
  • Floor vibration sensor: footstep detection: 95%-99% [Chan A, Cohen R, Robinson K, Bhardwaj D, Gregson G, Jutai JW, et al. Evidence and user considerations of home health monitoring for older adults: scoping review. JMIR Aging. 2022;5(4):e40079. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42]
  • Ambient+Scales+IMU: not reported [Pirzada P, Wilde A, Doherty GH, Harris-Birtill D. Ethics and acceptance of smart homes for older adults. Inform Health Soc Care. 2022;47(1):10-37. [CrossRef] [Medline]45]
  • IR+Pressure Pad+RF transceiver: not reported [Skivington K, Matthews L, Simpson SA, Craig P, Baird J, Blazeby JM, et al. A new framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions: update of Medical Research Council guidance. BMJ. Sep 30, 2021;374:n2061. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]46]

aIR: infrared.

bRF: radio frequency.

cNot applicable.

dRFID: radio frequency identification.

eUWB: ultra-wideband.

fBLE: Bluetooth low energy.

gIMU: inertial measurement unit.

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies can be used with either smartphones or individual tags, reducing the need for extra equipment for localization when compared to stand-alone tags. Accuracies ranged from 70-250 cm, with room detection accuracies of 70% to 87%.

Localizer tags include radio frequency identification (RFID), UWB, Zigbee, and GPS tags. Linear accuracies were superior to Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, ranging from 5 to 100 cm, with area accuracies of 90%. Tags were also used for fall detection and object detection.

Combining localizers with IMUs allowed for a combination of activity classification and localization. Accuracies ranged from 7.6 to 189 cm across 4 modalities (UWB at 7.6 cm, RFID at 10-40 cm, Zigbee at 83-189 cm, and Bluetooth low energy at 47 cm), while activity classification ranged from 89% to 100%, although reporting was not always clear on what activities were being classified. Area classification accuracies were between 86% and 90%.

Lastly, with unique technologies, including sound-based technology, GPS, vibration sensors, pressure pads, and triboelectric sensors, accuracies ranged from 20 to 30 cm with activity recognition at 92% to 99%.

Summary Statements on Clinical Evidence for Localization

From the 5 moderate- to high-quality clinical studies, 4 studies reported on acceptability of in-home localization systems. Results were mixed, with 2 high-quality studies indicating positive acceptability [Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39], 1 finding below average usability [Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29], and 1 finding a range of concerns over device obtrusiveness [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27].

Two studies reported on clinical outcomes from in-home localization systems. One high-quality study showed no difference in behaviors in older adults with healthy cognition compared with those with mild cognitive impairment [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39], and 1 moderate-quality study detected adaptive behaviors at home because of limitations to patient function [Shin J, Her-Xiong Y, Tredinnick R, Ponto K. Toward understanding everyday lives of older adults: a methodological exploration. Gerontologist. 2021;61(8):1241-1253. [CrossRef] [Medline]37].

Principal Findings

This systematic review focused on the usage of localization methods to monitor older adults in their homes for any clinical application. While the primary objective was to evaluate the clinical evidence for localization technologies, a survey of technologies for in-home localization was also undertaken to understand upcoming technologies for localization.

Clinical utility of localization was mixed in this study. In the study by Rawtaer et al [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39], cognitively healthy older adults (21 participants) and older adults with mild cognitive impairment (28 participants) were monitored and compared over 2 months using a custom set of motion sensors, proximity tags, a bed sensor, and wearables to capture sleep; activity levels; and forgetfulness regarding medications, keys, or wallets. Among typical activities, there was no difference in behaviors [Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39]. A second study, examining frailty, used in-home localization to detect frailty by measuring number of transitions, speed of transitions, and statistical features through machine learning algorithms, finding a classification accuracy of 82% to 85% when using random forest plots [Tegou T, Kalamaras I, Tsipouras M, Giannakeas N, Votis K, Tzovaras D. A low-cost indoor activity monitoring system for detecting frailty in older adults. Sensors (Basel). 2019;19(3):452. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41]. The model can be used in the future to detect frailty in the general population. The clinical evidence for using localization technology to support care of older adults is currently limited.

From an acceptability perspective, results were moderately positive [Lach HW, Lorenz RA, Palmer JL, Koedbangkham J, Noimontree W. Home monitoring to track activity and sleep patterns among older adults: a feasibility study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2019;37(12):628-637. [CrossRef] [Medline]27,Hung L, Huang W, Shih J, Liu C. A novel IoT based positioning and shadowing system for dementia training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(4):1610. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29,Hu Y, Tilke D, Adams T, Crandall A, Cook D, Schmitter-Edgecombe M. Smart home in a box: usability study for a large scale self-installation of smart home technologies. J Reliab Intell Environ. 2016;2(2):93-106. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Rawtaer I, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Tan HP, Tan HX, Lee T, et al. Early detection of mild cognitive impairment with in-home sensors to monitor behavior patterns in community-dwelling senior citizens in Singapore: cross-sectional feasibility study. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(5):e16854. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39]. Pais et al [Pais B, Buluschek P, DuPasquier G, Nef T, Schütz N, Saner H, et al. Evaluation of 1-year in-home monitoring technology by home-dwelling older adults, family caregivers, and nurses. Front Public Health. 2020;8:518957. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38] discovered that ambient sensors garner greater acceptance compared to wearables. Moreover, they noted that older adults and caregivers exhibit higher acceptance levels toward both technologies in contrast to nurses. This trend could be attributed to the necessity for monitoring daily performance issues among older adults and their families. The acceptability of home monitoring has been thoroughly studied previously, finding that the trade-offs are critical to consider when developing these technologies [Chan A, Cohen R, Robinson K, Bhardwaj D, Gregson G, Jutai JW, et al. Evidence and user considerations of home health monitoring for older adults: scoping review. JMIR Aging. 2022;5(4):e40079. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42-Pirzada P, Wilde A, Doherty GH, Harris-Birtill D. Ethics and acceptance of smart homes for older adults. Inform Health Soc Care. 2022;47(1):10-37. [CrossRef] [Medline]45]. These findings align with the present systematic review, with obtrusiveness being a major detractor for these localization technologies balanced by improved safety and security.

Common technologies for localization include ambient sensors; Bluetooth- or Wi-Fi–received signal strength; localizer tags using RFID, UWB, Zigbee, GPS; or IMUs with localizers. This review also found unique localization devices, including triboelectric trackers, ultrasound, floor vibration sensors, and pressure pads. Highest linear accuracies were found with UWB technologies at 5-20 cm compared with greater than 50 cm for most other technologies. UWB uses time-based localization, which involves measuring the time it takes for a signal to travel from a tag to a reference point and then trilateralizing the signal. Room detection accuracies were comparable across technologies, ranging from 75% to 92% using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, RFID, radio frequency transceivers, or Zigbee with IMUs.

The current literature is limited as it focuses primarily on technical measures of accuracy. The shift needs to be made toward localization for activity identification that can then be used as evidence to provide an intervention. UWB positioning has the potential to make the shift from where a patient is in the home at a room level to a furniture level that can then allow identification of activities. Further exploration and development of algorithms to automatically detect activities are required before broader clinical usage.

Comparison to the Literature

This systematic review fills an important gap by including clinical results, user acceptability, and technological aspects of evaluating localization devices to support older adults to age in place. There remains little evidence for their usage for older adults, a finding that is supported by other systematic reviews. Lenouvel et al [Lenouvel E, Novak L, Nef T, Klöppel S. Advances in sensor monitoring effectiveness and applicability: a systematic review and update. Gerontologist. 2020;60(4):e299-e308. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31] reviewed sensors to measure and support activities of daily living for older adults in 2019. While they did not focus on localization, they found that passive and video sensor networks were used to assess activities of daily living across 13 studies out of their search of 10,782 studies, finding that sensors could detect changes in activity patterns but reported no clinical outcomes and that only 1 study assessed the acceptability of devices.

Another systematic review published in 2018 focused solely on technological aspects of human activity recognition supported with indoor localization. Cerón and López [Cerón J, López DM. Human activity recognition supported on indoor localization: a systematic review. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;249:93-101. [Medline]32] described common localization technologies and data fusion methods, reporting accuracy of activity detection and localization accuracies without consideration for age of participants. Human activity recognition accuracy ranged from 72% to 99% across 27 studies, although the exact types of activities were not reported. Localization accuracies ranged from 0.8 to 7 m, depending on the type of technology, although the type of technology was not reported in the review. These values are comparable to this systematic review.

Strengths of This Study and Recommendations for Future Studies

This systematic review had a strong search strategy, covering the major databases and having 2 reviewers screen, extract, and assess the quality of studies. Agreement between reviewers was high across screeners. The JBI quality assessment tool was used with a lower agreement with a κ of 0.51. Agreement was low due to inadequate training for the 10 clinical articles, a lack of specific definitions of how much clinical information was adequate for the study, and how follow-up was defined in the article. Each study was discussed between reviewers according to a standardized definition for the final results of this study.

While the methodology of this review was strong, the findings were not. There is limited clinical evidence for using localization to support monitoring older adults. It was surprising that there were also few studies that evaluated the acceptability of monitoring technologies. The quality of evidence also needs to be improved, with most studies having fewer than 25 participants with a case study design and the quality of studies being mixed.

Still, existing studies on acceptability of localization technologies form a strong basis for further development. Future studies should be located within the homes of participants, with sample sizes greater than 25 to demonstrate scalability and particular use cases in a broad range of home settings. From a study-design perspective, home monitoring as an intervention is a complex intervention that is challenging to capture in a randomized controlled trial. The recent guidelines by the Medical Research Council and National Institute for Health Research in the United Kingdom provide a new framework for assessment that includes considering the context, stakeholders, economics, and uncertainties in an intervention, grounding it in appropriate theory, and iterating to refine the intervention [Skivington K, Matthews L, Simpson SA, Craig P, Baird J, Blazeby JM, et al. A new framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions: update of Medical Research Council guidance. BMJ. Sep 30, 2021;374:n2061. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]46]. Nonrandomized designs, hybrid effectiveness-implementation designs, or n-of-1 trials may be more feasible.

Details around patient populations were scarce. Greater detail in medical histories, functional ability, and practical aspects (social supports, living spaces) need to be provided to generate profiles for how monitoring interventions have helped specific residents. A standard battery of activities of daily living needs to be established to allow accuracy in identifying and assessing activities of daily living to be comparable across studies in the range of indoor spaces being localized and the diversity of impairments common to older adults. There needs to be clearer reporting of the spaces being monitored, accuracy of devices, and types of activities of daily living being monitored to allow comparability. Lastly, study outcomes need to be shaped to demonstrate how monitoring technologies lead to clinically and personally relevant interventions that support aging in place. The 2 studies that looked at clinical outcomes in this systematic review focused on detecting dementia or classifying frailty. Perhaps the more important question is how minimally invasive interventions can be used to either prevent decline or intervene to support residents who are having greater challenges doing self-care activities.

The utility of localization techniques for health care is still untapped. While some initial work on detecting cognitive decline and frailty in the home setting has been documented in this review, further development and clinical evaluation of these technologies to determine potential use cases still needs to be undertaken. Development of these technologies requires a multipronged approach that combines understanding the limits of the technology, including the cost, the clinical applicability of localization for health management, and the acceptability of monitoring to enhance wellness. Technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and IMUs are already well established in the market for various quality of life use cases but not for health care.

Localization could be a powerful supporting tool for managing challenges with cognition, with interventions that take into account a user’s living patterns and reminders that are tailored to the home environment. Of upcoming technologies, UWB may be the most exciting, offering much higher accuracies than ambient sensors and wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Cognition, mental health, and frailty could be more accurately measured longitudinally, rather than relying on snapshot clinical assessment tools when combined with collecting information on self-care and in-home activity levels. There is great potential for localization technologies to support wellness in the home.


There is no evidence for the usage of in-home localization technologies for any clinical outcomes and mixed evidence for the acceptability of localization technologies among older adults. However, there is a wide range of technologies available that have promising technical accuracy. The technology is ripe for monitoring devices to be tested clinically, providing data that can detect changes in cognition or frailty and drive interventions. Further study on the acceptability of these devices is also warranted to determine the least obtrusive and easier to use modalities that can bring the most benefit for older adults.


The authors would like to give special thanks to Elizabeth Dennett, who helped with the search strategy. This work was supported by Mitacs (IT24450) to AMRR, GG, and ML, as well as NSERC and AGE-WELL (AW-PP2019-PP3) to GG.

Conflicts of Interest

AC was funded by SmartOne Solutions as part of a Mitacs Accelerate industry partnership grant.

Multimedia Appendix 1

PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist.

PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 66 KB

Multimedia Appendix 2

Detailed search strategy for the systematic review.

PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 112 KB

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IMU: inertial measurement unit
PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
RFID: radio frequency identification
UWB: ultra-wideband

Edited by A Quialheiro; submitted 12.02.24; peer-reviewed by NF Agbangla, H-W Wahl; comments to author 31.05.24; revised version received 05.07.24; accepted 18.08.24; published 02.12.24.


©Andrew Chan, Joanne Cai, Linna Qian, Brendan Coutts, Steven Phan, Geoff Gregson, Michael Lipsett, Adriana M Ríos Rincón. Originally published in JMIR Aging (, 02.12.2024.

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