New Theme Issue on Digital Ageism

JMIR Aging is inviting submissions on “Addressing Digital Ageism in the Modern Era.” The theme for this call was selected by the journal’s diverse audiences through a social media poll. 

While digital technologies offer immense opportunities for societal progress and individual empowerment, they also bring forth new challenges, such as digital ageism. Digital ageism is discrimination against individuals based on their age within the context of use of and access to digital technology. As technology continues to permeate every aspect of our lives, it is important to address the barriers, stereotypes, and marginalization experienced by older adults in the digital realm and ensure inclusivity for people of all ages. Therefore, in this call, we aim to address digital ageism in care for older adults with a focus on access to digital health care and health equity. 

Our interests include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Technological design considerations for creating age-inclusive digital environments and products for older adult care

  • Leveraging technology to build age-friendly health systems 

  • Innovative strategies to promote digital health inclusion, such as intergenerational collaboration and digital mentorship

  • Digital health literacy programs and initiatives to empower and engage older adults

  • Health policy interventions and regulatory frameworks to promote digital inclusion

  • Community-driven initiatives addressing digital ageism in health care

  • Ethical considerations in designing digital health care technologies for an aging population

How to Submit

To submit an article to JMIR Aging, please visit the submission page. Consult our Instructions for Authors for more information on how to submit a manuscript.

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Submission Guidelines

We will not accept articles that are solely written using generative artificial intelligence (AI) or other AI tools. For more information, please refer to the JMIR Publications editorial policy and this knowledge base article. 

All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, and accepted articles will be published as part of the theme issue titled “Addressing Digital Ageism in the Modern Era.” 

All articles will be shared and published rapidly through the following mechanisms:

  • All peer-reviewed articles will be immediately and permanently made open access. This is the standard for all titles within the JMIR Publications portfolio.
  • Articles can be made immediately available (with a DOI) in JMIR Preprints after submission if authors select the preprint option at submission to enable this service.

Submissions not reviewed or accepted for publication in JMIR Aging may be offered cascading peer review or transfer to other JMIR Publications journals, according to standard policies. Authors are encouraged to submit study protocols or grant proposals to JMIR Research Protocols before data acquisition to preregister the study (as a registered report; subsequent acceptance in one of the JMIR Publications journals is then guaranteed).