Dr. Yun Jiang and Dr. Jinjiao Wang Appointed Co-Editors in Chief of JMIR Aging

JMIR Aging and JMIR Publications are thrilled to announce and welcome Dr Yun Jiang and Dr Jinjiao Wang as Co-Editors-in-Chief for JMIR Aging. 

Dr Jiang and Dr Wang have been important contributors to the journal’s editorial board. In their new roles as Co-EiCs, they will be involved in setting the strategic direction for the journal and its editorial board, as well as raising the journal’s visibility and impact.

Dr Yun Jiang, PhD, MS, RN, FAMIA, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Systems, Populations, and Leadership, at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Her research focuses on informatics- and data-driven solutions for chronic condition self-management, with emphasis on cancer medication adherence and symptom self-management. Dr Jiang is also a Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Society (FAMIA), and a member of the Gerontological Society of America. She will focus on supporting the editorial board in improving the journal’s visibility and reinforcing high-quality standards for research published in JMIR Aging

Dr Jinjiao Wang, PhD, RN, MPhil, is an Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral Program Director at the Elaine C. Hubbard Center for Nursing Research on Aging in the University of Rochester School of Nursing. Her research focuses on improving the quality, equity, and efficiency of home-based health care services for older adults. She is a member of the Gerontological Society of America and the United States Deprescribing Research Network’s Junior Investigator Intensive program. She hopes to further expand JMIR Aging’s editorial board and peer reviewer community, and facilitate publication of more high-quality articles in the field of aging that can transform, advance, and innovate geriatric care models and delivery.

Please join us in congratulating and thanking Dr Jiang and Dr Wang for taking on these important roles with JMIR Aging.