@Article{info:doi/10.2196/65730, author="Kokorelias, Kristina M and Valentine, Dean and Dove, Erica M and Brown, Paige and McKinlay, Stuart and Sheppard, Christine L and Singh, Hardeep and Eaton, Andrew D and Jamieson, Laura and Wasilewski, Marina B and Zhabokritsky, Alice and Flanagan, Ashley and Abdelhalim, Reham and Zewude, Rahel and Parpia, Rabea and Walmsley, Sharon and Sirisegaram, Luxey", title="Exploring the Perspectives of Older Adults Living With HIV on Virtual Care: Qualitative Study", journal="JMIR Aging", year="2024", month="Dec", day="4", volume="7", pages="e65730", keywords="HIV; human immunodeficiency virus; perspective; telemedicine; telehealth; virtual care; virtual health; virtual medicine; qualitative; gerontology; geriatrics; older adult; older people; aging", abstract="Background: As the population of individuals with HIV ages rapidly due to advancements in antiretroviral therapy, virtual care has become an increasingly vital component in managing their complex health needs. However, little is known about perceptions of virtual care among older adults living with HIV. Objective: This study aimed to understand the perceptions of older adults living with HIV regarding virtual care. Methods: Using an interpretive, qualitative, descriptive methodology, semistructured interviews were conducted with 14 diverse older adults living with HIV. The participants lived in Ontario, Canada, self-identified as HIV-positive, and were aged 50 years or older. Efforts were made to recruit individuals with varying experience with virtual health care. Reflexive thematic analysis was conducted with the interview transcripts to identify prevalent themes. Results: The identified themes included (1) the importance of relationships in virtual care for older adults living with HIV; (2) privacy and confidentiality in virtual care; and (3) challenges and solutions related to access and technological barriers in virtual care. These themes highlight the perceptions of diverse older adults living with HIV concerning virtual care, emphasizing the fundamental role of trust, privacy, and technology access. Conclusions: By embracing the unique perspectives and experiences of this population, we can work toward building more inclusive and responsive health care systems that meet the needs of all individuals, regardless of age, HIV status, or other intersecting identities. ", issn="2561-7605", doi="10.2196/65730", url="https://aging.jmir.org/2024/1/e65730", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/65730" }